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'Rosier de Van Eeden' rose References
Book  (3 Jan 2001)  Page(s) 46.  
L'Obscurité synonym: 'Monsieur Van Eeden'
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 40-41.  
De Van Eeden ('Purpurea Velutina Parva'; probably 'L'Obscurité') Gallica. Van Eeden, 1810. The author cites information from different sources... brilliant purple on opening with an admirable violet-velvety look from the play of light, enhanced by golden stamens at the center... This magnificent Gallica was grown from seed by Van Eeden, a nurseryman of Haarlem, who enriched the garden at Malmaison with it in 1810... After the death of Joséphine [in 1814], this lovely rose disappeared from Malmaison, and is still unknown on its own roots. It survives grafted in a few private gardens, but loses its prostrate habit... As with all Gallicas, the petals finally blacken before falling -- the explanation of the so-called 'black rose.'
Book  (May 1998)  Page(s) 130-131.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa gallica purpurea velutina parva ('Van Eeden's Rose') Description... petals 3-seriate, brilliant purple on opening and with an admirable violet, velvety look from the play of light, enhanced by the golden stamens at the centre... This magnificent gallica was obtained from seed by Van Eeden, a nurseryman of Harlem, who enriched the Malmaison garden with it in 1810... After the death of Josephine, this lovely rose disappeared from Malmaison and is still unknown on its own roots. It survives grafted in a few private gardens, but loses its prostrate habit. However, grafting if anything increases the bulk of the flowers and their brilliance. As in all gallicas the petals finally blacken before falling -- the explanation of the so-called "black rose"...
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 232.  
de Van Eeden (Provins) van Eeden 1810; glossy purple
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 520.  
Obscurité, L' (Provins) Prévost ca. 1835; vivid dark violet-purple, medium size, semi-double.
Book  (1899)  Page(s) 50.  
de Van Eeden, Provins, Van EEden, 1810, pourpre velouté, dans les Roses de Redouté
Book  (1842)  Page(s) 275.  
R. gallica....Varieties....with velvety blooms, whose dark colour has a velvety sheen in sunlight (R. gall. holosericea)....l'obscurité
Book  (1837)  Page(s) 34.  
Rosa gallica.
Mit sammetartig Blumen (gallica holosericea):

Rosa gallica.
With velvety flowers (gallica holosericea):
Website/Catalog  (1831)  Page(s) 41.  
Rosa gallica, Rosier de france
obscurité (l'). 1 fr. 25 c.
Website/Catalog  (1831)  Page(s) 51.  
Roses de Provins et Hybrides.
909 Obscurité (l')...Fleur moyenne, brun foncé.
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