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'Le Grand Huit ®' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 145-954
most recent 22 AUG 23 SHOW ALL
Initial post 30 MAY 23 by Kathy Strong
Can I gripe a little bit, please? Some people, when uploading photos, seem to upload every frame on their camera, in a very repetitive manner. It is difficult to scroll past all these repetitive photos, that really give no new info about the plant. I have two possible solutions. Could the persons doing this just stop putting up pictures that are,for all practical purposes, just duplicates. Alternatively, could the website be upgraded such that it makes it easier to scroll past all these extra photos, instead of making a viewer turn one 8 picture page at a time. Or maybe put a limit of 2 or 3 photos at a time on uploading and an instruction not to post repetitive photos of one bloom. It seems to be the one bloom photos that get quite tedious to scroll through. Pick your best shot or two when the subjects are very similar and let that be enough please.
Reply #1 of 9 posted 30 MAY 23 by HMF Admin
Agree with both suggestions, duly noted.
Reply #2 of 9 posted 31 MAY 23 by S_Mazza
The option to filter the photo list by what type of photo you want to see is a great idea, but I find it doesn't work reliably for me. I don't know if that is because photos are missing the proper tags, or because of a website coding issue. Is it possible to add those tags to the "Rate This Photo" area? That way, registered users could start to tag the existing photos. Or maybe there is a function I have simply missed.
Reply #4 of 9 posted 3 JUN 23 by HMF Admin
The original intent was for the photo contributor to properly "tag" their own photos but as you noted often that's just not done. We generally shy away from allow users to alter the posts/uploads/etc of others but this might be a case where it could be beneficial to everyone. We will look into this further.

As far as the potential photo screening problem, as always, it greatly facilitates resolving an issue if we have a specific example to work with that we can replicate the conditions exactly.
Reply #6 of 9 posted 22 AUG 23 by GardenGlimpses
Per your request for an example: Since Kathy Strong posted her request in Lasting Love’s comments, I can only surmise that this variety would serve as a good example. One poster has posted 95 carelessly taken, tedious pictures of Lasting Love. I have heard from other HMF members that this practice is annoying, and I totally agree.

This same issue exists for other varieties such as Earth Angel, where one poster posted 66 poorly exposed pics. I’m not sure if we are looking at Earth Angel or The Dark Side of the Moon
Reply #7 of 9 posted 22 AUG 23 by jedmar
I rhink we need to allow for a learning process among our members. This member only posted multiple photos at the very beginning of his/her membership, and is no longer doing so.
Please therefore remove the photo
Reply #8 of 9 posted 22 AUG 23 by GardenGlimpses
I have deleted the photo as requested
Reply #9 of 9 posted 22 AUG 23 by jedmar
Thank you!
Reply #3 of 9 posted 31 MAY 23 by Johno
Agree! Totally over seeing large number of poor-quality phone camera images. I can accept images slightly out of focus if there are very few images of a particular rose, and they add to the information bank. One possible solution if it can be added to the site changes is to provide the option of not seeing individual member's photos if you wished. It is time to start the cull and this hand is up to volunteer to assist with the job.
Agree with the 2 or 3 photos at a time, but my suggestion is to restrict the maximum number of photos that could be added for an individual rose to say 10. Over time a member could replace photos to have their best 10. We are not seeing enough whole bush, prickle and hip photographs.
Reply #5 of 9 posted 3 JUN 23 by HMF Admin
We are of course always open to suggestions about how HMF could be improved, that too is what HMF is all about.

It would be great to create an open discussion regarding photos contributions. Should we limit the number of seasonal photos from an individual per rose; maybe allow users to vote for the removal of duplicates; allow moderator to cull photos ?

It's an interesting idea of allowing one to designate the hiding of another user's posts or photos but that seems such a severe, divisive step but not out of the question.
Discussion id : 129-126
most recent 21 SEP 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 SEP 21 by Anita silicon valley
Mine is healthy and smells wonderful but the edges of the petals wither in 80 degree heat, even in partial shade. It may need water daily. Firefighter also smells wonderful and is more robust in heat
August 2022: After many months it had about three blossoms and they shriveled up on the plant within a day .It had some afternoon shade. I pulled it up.
Discussion id : 121-278
most recent 2 MAY 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 MAY 20 by ParisRoseLady
Available from - Breck's
Discussion id : 92-468
most recent 17 OCT 17 SHOW ALL
Initial post 30 APR 16 by Mikeb
I couldn't find much about "Lasting Love" weather zone.
How hardy this rose is? I see most comments from people in SO CA and TX, but does anyone grow it in the north- east?
Reply #1 of 4 posted 20 MAY 17 by Michael Garhart
Considering each grandparent line is a "Peace type", probably similar to Peace.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 21 MAY 17 by StrawChicago heavy clay zone 5
I am in zone 5a, was about to order this rose since it has dark green & glossy foliage (best for alkaline clay), the hardiness is good, but this rose is sold as own-root in alkaline region (California), and won't do well for acidic soil. This review is from Dave's Garden, Wisconsin is in zone 5a:
On Dec 21, 2010, tgwWhale from Casco, WI wrote:

I had a Lasting Love for about two years. i didn't like it for two reasons. First, it was advertised when I bought it as a dark red rose, and it wasn't; the photos that appear in this web page are accurate in portraying the color. Second, the growth habit was poor. The stems were too short for good cut flower use, the flowers did not as a whole have good form, and often the flowers "balled up" and did not open. I culled it after two years." tgwWhale from Casco, WI
Reply #3 of 4 posted 17 OCT 17 by Prosopis
I have carefully followed your suggestions on overwintering your roses on another forum; should like to ask what you consider to be YOUR hardiest fragrant red roses? I also live in a nominal 5a in Ithaca, NY outside the lake effect zone, in a microclimate with unexpected spring freezes that damage and kill young growth, especially mulched canes making vigorous new growth.

Plus, some of the own-root stock I have received from various vendors have been of mixed quality, some of the their certainly of much higher vigor than others. The Mother plants must be of declining vigor, or else they are supplying sickly liners. Both Vintage Roses and High Country have done this: some fine mixed in with weaklings that have never put on good growth. Logees also has this practice, with other species. So, one cannot truly say that they are supplying bad stock, but there is a let down, since one is paying about $15 plus S&H for rather small plants.

Madame Louise Laperriere is one I received from Vintage Roses and I thank them for stocking hard to find varieties, like Pink Radiance, another relatively rare one, a healthy liner. But the former never even began to grow cossetted indoors and out. I have spent my life as a NASA-CELSS researcher, and should have learned a thing or two about growing plants in controlled environments by now, one hopes. SO, not from the lack of care. Perhaps, some roses do better grafted.

Roses Unlimited sends only perfect plants perfectly packed, in my limited experience with them, but they have cut back on the older roses I love.

I have only purchased from Heirloom Roses when they were in their early stages, in Oregon, picking up the plants. The sizes and prices both have become too large for cross country shipment and for my wallet. Good selections for all the older classes.

Should love some advice on some of the better RED and fragrant roses that MIGHT survive out of doors in Zone 5a. Graham Stuart Thomas survived for many years, as a hardy perennial, coming back each year from the soil level and putting out a few flowers; very quaint and sweet, in its determination! Alec's Red, and Dickson's Red, Gruss an Teplitz, and a misnamed Griffith Buck grew well for some years before a hard winter took them out, despite heavy, careful protection. My fault for choosing tender types, and hence, need for better advice!

I have a raised bed 28 inches above the soil, composed of rotten oak, maple, leaves, ditto wheatstraw, some milled peat moss, some Promix, a little sterilized soil, all turned over until it feels good to my hands, slightly acidic, slightly shaded in the late afternoon, but sun again in evening. Excellent drainage assured. No nutritional issues that are noticeable, at least to me. May exist unbeknownst.

Try to have relatively lower leaf nitrogen levels, a practice we attempt on many fruit crops, and increase potassium levels. Watch how phosphate moves with the various phosphate species. As far as we can. Leaf color changes. And the various species of nitrogen and polyamines, as far as we can gauge their uptake by eye.

Alba semi-plena does very well, rude good health. Would love more and Gallica City of Brussels, which cannot find anywhere. Rugosas did well until an insect whose name I was told killed them all, along with a rosarian friend's wall of rugosas.

Thank you kindly.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 17 OCT 17 by Nastarana
Have you consulted Der Rosenmeister, who must be very near you? Also, I understand the display gardens at Cornell are of great interest.

I am in Utica, a bit north and East of you, in a frost pocket beside the Mohawk River. For HTs I have had best results with the Tantau genetics. 'Fragrant Cloud', reliably grows back, as does its' descendent 'Velvet Fragrance'. Matthias Tantau, Jr. sold the nursery to Hans Jurgen Evers in 1985, I believe, and Hans has been succeeded by his son, Christian Evers. Mr. Evers, Sr. produced a red rose named 'Ascott', which has been receiving rave reviews on the gardenweb. I have not grown it, but you might want to research it.
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