'La Fiamma' rose References
Book (2016) Page(s) 157. Includes photo(s). La Fiamma ....The breeder described them as flame colored, but actually the small, single flowers open as light crimson cups with white petal bases. They fade to pink and tend to close back up as they mature giving the large clusters of flowers a "bunch of grapes" look, which distinguishes the rose from 'Hiawatha' along with its less bright color. The plant has a potential growth of about 16 feet (5 meters).
Book (1943) Page(s) 22-24. The Walsh Ramblers R. MARION HATTON Secretary, American Rose Society. La Fiamma. (1909) R. Wichuraiana x Crimson Rambler. Single. Flame.
Book (1936) Page(s) 259. Fiamma, La (hybrid wichurana) Walsh 1909; fire-red, single, large clusters, strong stems, growth 8/10, climbing, 3-4 m. Sangerhausen
Article (misc) (1935) Page(s) 111. La Fiamma flame-colored
Magazine (Jun 1929) Page(s) 67. La Fiamma (Paul and Son, 1907), fleur simple, cramoisi, oeil blanc.
Book (Apr 1915) Page(s) 74. La Fiamma Hybrid Wichuraiana. Walsh. Flame-colored.
Website/Catalog (1914) Page(s) 7. Hybrid Wichuranas. La Flamma single, scarlet-red with white eye, brighter than Hiawatha, vigorously climbing, hardy.
Website/Catalog (1907) Page(s) 13. Walsh's New Hardy Hybrid Wichuraiana and Polyantha Rambler Roses. Walsh's La Fiamma. This new rambler, as the name denotes, is flame color. Clusters of these are very large, borne on strong stems, making a growth of fifteen feet in a season; flowers single. Perfectly hardy. Price, $1.50 each. Extra strong plants, $2.00 each.