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'Maria Teresa Bordas' rose References
Website/Catalog  (2020)  Page(s) 442.  Includes photo(s).
Maria Teresa Bordas, Joan Bordas, 1953, H.T., solferino pink with yellow undertones, very pronounced fuchsia-red veining. Reverse of the petals with the same tone, but somewhat softer and more matte. Light green canes, tending to red, contrasting well with the colour of the foliage, pracically without prickles, ovoid pointed and large bud, very glossy holly green-coloured foliage, Sensation x Mme. A. Meilland, certificat of merit Rome 1953, bibliography: RE
Book  (1965)  Page(s) 43.  
Juan Bordas, Barcelona, Spain. Maria Teresa Bordas. .
Book  (1960)  Page(s) 20.  
Dr. A. S. Thomas: Of older varieties Maria Teresa Bordas is not growing strongly.
Book  (1959)  Page(s) 14.  
Harry H. Hazlewood.  Some New Roses for 1959.  
Maria Teresa Bordas HT. (Bordas 1956) Described as pink with darker shades on the edges of the petals. As flowered here, it is variable in colour and often almost white, but the blooms are large and of excellent exhibition standard. The raiser appears to be a newcomer from Spain and is to be congratulated on the result of his work.
Book  (1958)  Page(s) 221.  
Maria Teresa Bordas. HT. (Bordas, '53.) Sensation X Peace. Bud ovoid; fl. very large, very dbl., high centered, fragrant, rose-pink Fol. dark, glossy. Very vig., upright, bushy; abundant bloom.
Magazine  (Jul 1953)  Page(s) 3. trimester, p. 68.  
Le 7 mai 1953, le Jury International du Prix de Rome pour de nouvelles variétés de roses, installé au Capitole du Syndic de Rome, a procédé à l'examen des 75 variétés concurrentes, présentées par 14 maisons étrangères et 3 maisons italiennes, dans la Roseraie de Rome de la rue de « Val le Murcia » ...
Certificat de Mérite, à la rose 1002 HT : « MARIA TERESA BORDAS ». Obtenteur : Juan Bordas, Espagne.
Book  (1953)  Page(s) 52.  
V mit 80 Punkten Nr. 46 – Kennzeichen 1. 002 J.B.B. HT – MARIA THERESA BORDAS. Zuchtung von Juan Bordas, Hospitalet – Spanien.
Magazine  (1953)  Page(s) 15.  
International Rose Trials of Rome ... 2nd Certificate to No. 46 from Juan Bordas, Hospitalet, Spain, single buds on long stems, pink and cream.
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