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'Orpheline Juillet' rose References
Magazine  (2020)  Page(s) 33. Vol 42 No. 4.  
Jacqui Davies.  Discovering Gallicas at Araluen. 
As Pat Toolan wrote in her recent review of the book Historical Roses: in the Europa- Rosarium Sangerhausen, 2020. “The photos are of such quality and size that they will help identify found roses in these classes"......The many descriptions and photographs in it are a wonderful reference and have made me question whether Nestor and Orpheline de Juillet in Araluen are correctly named.
Book  (2003)  Page(s) 50.  Includes photo(s).
Orpheline de Juillet. Gallica – syns ‘July’s Orphan’. ‘Orpheline Juillet’. The breeder is unknown. But it first appeared in Vibert’s (France) catalog of 1836. It is a once-flowering only but has a strong fragrance. The name perhaps refers to a late flowering habit, meaning that it flowers later than some of the Old Roses. Parentage unknown. Zones 4-9.
Website/Catalog  (2000)  Page(s) 9.  
Orpheline de Juillet. Gallica pr. 1837. France. Hedging, double, fragrant, prickles fewer, deciduous, attractive leaves, 1.1m x 1.2m Mauve or purple,
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 58-59.  
Orpheline de Juillet Translation: "July [Female] Orphan". Gallica. Breeder unknown, pre-1836. The author cites information from different sources... Violet purple... Purple red... crimson purple... The effect produced by the contrast of the colour in this variety is admirable...
Book  (Mar 1999)  Page(s) 86.  
Orpheline de Juillet (‘Orpheline Juillet’) Before 1837. Abundant bloom of large, very double flowers with petals neatly and tightly arranged. Deep rich crimson-purple with vivid crimson coloring at the base of the petals and sometimes streaking outward into the petals. A somewhat sprawling and thorny shrub. (2) [available at Trevor Griffiths NZ]
Website/Catalog  (1999)  Page(s) 7.  
Orpheline Juillet. 1848. A rare Gallica bearing masses of very double fragrant flowers in a stunning mixture of wine-purple and rich deep crimson occasionally with a fine stripe.
Book  (1999)  Page(s) 70.  
Orpheline de Juillet. Paul. U.K. Pre 1837. Gallica. Crimson/purple. [Available from:] Gardeners, Golden Vale, Gretchen, Hilltop, Honeysuckle, Lyn Park.

[Note – The rose is not listed in David Ruston’s budwood catalogue at the rear of this publication].
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 444.  Includes photo(s).
Orpheline de Juillet. Syn ‘July’s Orphan’. Old. Gallica. Mauve. The flowers of this rose are large and very double, and are crimson-purple shading to bright red in the center. It has an upright, rather tall and moderately vigorous growth habit. This is not a conventional Gallica as it has some Damask characteristics. The reason for the name is unclear. William Paul mentions it in The Rose Garden (1848), but he was not the raiser as it was listed in Vibert’s catalogue in 1836. Zones 4-9. Pre-1836. Parentage unknown.
Book  (Jul 1998)  Page(s) 243-244.  Includes photo(s).
Orpheline de Juillet Before 1836... English sources frequently attribute this rose to William Paul and assign the date 1848, which is the same year Paul published The Rose Garden. However Joyaux questions this due to its French name and the fact that it was listed in Vibert's catalog of 1836... The blooms are double, quartered and purple -- but the color is changeable, as the flowers fade they assume a darker shade of purple... the plant has some Gallica characteristics, but Joyaux feels it could be a Damask hybrid...
Book  (1997)  Page(s) 146.  Includes photo(s).
(France) Before 1837. Description and vital statistics. Probably related to the Damasks. Large, fully double flowers of crimson-purple turning to fiery red in the centre... Similar to 'Belle de Crecy', but deeper in colour.
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