'Roger Lambelin Striped' rose References
Website/Catalog (2017) Page(s) 56. Includes photo(s). Roger Lambelin Hybrid Perpetual 1890. Novelty effect as the bright crimson blooms are margined and streaked with white, on a medium sized bush..
Book (2004) Page(s) 266. Includes photo(s). [The photo of 'Roger Lambelin' shows a striping from the center to the outside]
Website/Catalog (1982) Page(s) 31. Roger Lambelin (Hybrid Perpetual) Fringed petals on a double flower of crimson maroon with unusual white and pink stripes. Needs extra care. 1890. (R) 4 x 3’.
Website/Catalog (1954) Page(s) 32. 'Striped Roger Lambelin'. In his sport that happened a couple years ago for me, the stripe around the edge turned around and made the whole flower striped with maroon and white but from the center to outside, otherwise the same. Not very many of either so it will probably be useless to order this in spring of '55.