'Lord Raglan' rose References
Website/Catalog (28 Nov 2011) Includes photo(s). Rosa ‘Lord Raglan’ Hybrid Perpetual. ‘Lord Raglan’ has large and full, velvety, scarlet-crimson flowers, edged with violet-crimson. A vigorous grower, its flowers were described as somewhat small, but brilliant and so free that it has 6 or 8 flowers on a truss. [Paul (1863, 1888), Rivers (1857, 1863)]. Horticultural & Botanical History Introduced by Guillot Pére in 1854. According to Paul Ricault, writing in the Gardeners' Chronicle in 1860, ‘Lord Raglan’ ‘kept his place with great dignity, but he wears a different dress in England from what he does in Scotland, being scarlet in the former country and purple in the latter’. It was reportedly raised from seeds saved from ‘Géant des Batailles’, its flowers described as higher coloured and even more dazzling than this famous rose. In the first great National Rose show held in July 1858, ‘Lord Raglan’ was listed amongst the roses appearing in multiple (12) winning collections. [Gard. Chron. 1858]. William Paul included ‘Lord Raglan’ among his ‘best twelve’ roses at the beginning of the Wars of the Roses in 1856 [Gard. Chron. 1856], and Louis van Houtte included it in an Énumération des plus belles variétiés et….des autres!, all Hybrid Perpetuals, in the Flore des Serres. [FS pgs.91-102 vol.15/1864]. History at Camden Park Included in a handwritten list of roses dated 1861, probably intended for a new edition of the catalogue that was never printed. [MP A2943].
Book (Dec 2000) Page(s) 210. Lord Raglan Hybrid Perpetual [Laurent] Guillot père 1854
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 369. Lord Raglan Hybrid Perpetual. Guillot (France) 1854. Seedling of 'Géant des Batailles'... The bright, velvety flowers are crimson turning to a burgundy with age... Lord Raglan (1788-1855) was a British general who lost an arm at the Battle of Waterloo; he was commander-in-chief of the army in the Crimean war...
Book (1985) Page(s) 14. Lord Raglan (1854) [may have been] a seedling of 'Géant des Batailles'... a Hybrid Perpetual, crimson...
Book (1936) Page(s) 595. Raglan, Lord (HP) Guillot 1854; Géant d. Bat. X ? ; fiery scarlet-crimson, shaded and veined purple, very large, very double, centifolia-form, repeats well, growth 8/10, upright, robust. Sangerhausen
Book (1923) Page(s) 429. LORD RAGLAN. Hybrid Perpetual. (Guillot père 1854.)
Magazine (8 Jul 1911) Page(s) 326. The Parentage of Roses. The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it... Lord Raglan... Hybrid Perpetual, Guillot p., 1853, Seedling Geant des Batailles
Book (1906) Page(s) 91. 5.906. Lord Raglan, Hybride Remontant, Guillot p. 1854 cramoisi nuancé
Book (1902) Page(s) 114. Hybrides Remontants. Groupe C. — Géant des Batailles Arbuste rustique, florifère et très remontant, à rameaux bruns, droits, aiguillons nombreux; feuillage petit, peu ample, très sujet à l'oïdium et aux maladies cryptogamiques, folioles assez rapprochées sur le pétiole commun; fleur en coupe, petite, rouge écarlate ou rouge très foncé; fruit petit, ovoïde, longuement atténué à la base. 3519. Lord Raglan... (Guillot p. 1853)... cramoisi nuancé.
Book (1885) Page(s) 35. TRIBE ROSEÆ. ROSA, Linn.; Rose. Garden Varieties— Lord Raglan; hybrid perpetual. Plant in Acclimatisation Society's Grounds, Bowen Park and in Brisbane Botanic Garden.