'PROberg' rose References
Website/Catalog (23 Dec 2014) Name: 'Proberg' Synonyms: 'Blushing Pink Iceberg', 'Proberg' ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Pink Iceberg™ Photo: Steve Jones F, pb, Weatherly, Lilia; flowers light to medium pink blend, darkens in cool weather, 3 in., 35 petals, borne singly and in sprays of 3-4, slight fragrance; recurrent; foliage large, light green, glossy; prickles few, thin, curved downward, tan; growth upright, rounded, medium; PP9600 [sport of Iceberg]. Introductions: Swane's Nursery, 1995, AUS
Magazine (2014) Page(s) 26. p26. Doug Grant. Review of Newer Roses for the 2013-2014 Season. Floribundas. Blushing Pink Iceberg.....
p49. Doug Grant: Final Analysis for 2013-2014. Blushing Pink Iceberg.....
Website/Catalog (2005) Page(s) 18. Includes photo(s). Blushing Pink Iceberg (F). (PROberg). Height 135cm.
Book (2002) Page(s) 81. Lilia Weatherly. A Carnival of Cluster Flowered Roses. - Symposium. Pink Iceberg Blushing Pink Iceberg, PROberg, pb 1995. This rose is a sport of Iceberg which appeared in my garden in 1994. Willhelm Kordes told me that he had never known Iceberg to sport before, anywhere in the world, in the 40 years since its introduction. It is the same as Iceberg in every way except for the colour of the petals which are in various shades of pink to white and the stamens which are orangey pink. The flowers tend to be darker in the cold weather and it sometimes produces branches of pure white flowers. It is just as floriferous as its parent and produces a brave display almost continuously for many months. Iceberg sport. Weatherly L. Introduced Swanes, Australia.
Book (2000) Page(s) 145. Lilia Weatherly. The Iceberg Family. ..... .....As far as I know in all the years since its introduction, it had never sported before it did so in my garden in 1991. A plant of Iceberg, which had been given to me by the local Devon Nursery, suddenly produced a spontaneous mutation, which was pink. Pink iceberg (PBR) Blushing Pink Iceberg) is now in cultivation. It has flowers in many shades of pink through to white. Where the flowers are pinkest, the stamens a orangey pink. Where the flowers are white, the stamens are yelliw.
Magazine (Jan 1999) Page(s) 35. PROberg (Pink Iceberg™) Breeder changed to Lilia Weatherly.
Book (1998) Page(s) 75. PROberg. Floribunda, medium pink blend, darkens in cool weather, 1995; (Pink Iceberg™); 'Iceberg' sport; Prophyl Pty. Ltd. Description.
Book (1997) Page(s) 61 132. Includes photo(s). p61. Lilia Weatherly, Tasmania. My Most Healthy and Free Flowering Roses - Symposium. Iceberg F, w, 1958, Kordes and its sport Pink Iceberg F. pb, Weatherley are always in flower. Iceberg has always been popular, outselling all other roses, because it is so free flowering and easy to care for. 'Pink Iceberg' has all the same attributes except for the pink of the flowers and stamens.
p132. Geoff Swane, NSW. Swane's New Rose Introductions for 1997. Pink Iceberg Discovered as 'sport' of Iceberg and developed by Tasmanian Lilia Weatherly this charming pink form of the Iceberg rose is set to warm the hearts of gardeners who want more than just white! In every way 'Pink Iceberg' mimics its parent in characteristics except for the pink blush exquisitely painted as if by hand on each petal. We feel it will become as popular as its parent. The rose is patented under PBR legislation and is currently being grown in America and South Africa. Photo p32.