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'Nutshop' rose References
Book  (1978)  Page(s) 19, 20.  Includes photo(s).
#25-59-7 (Schoener's Nutkana x Christopher Stone) x "O.M."
Book  (1978)  Page(s) 35.  
#25-59-7. Another sample of the thorns on main canes of an F1 hybrid: (Schoener's Nutkana x Christopher Stone) x O.M. This plant is especially interesting as the variety, Schoener's Nutkana was made by crossing the species R. nutkana with the old H.P. variety Paul Neyron. I pollenized Schoener's Nutkana with the H.T. variety Christopher Stoneto produce a shrub rose having flowers similar to Christopher Stone but lighter red in color which set many large seeh hips. When this seedling was crossed with O.M. (moss) #25-59-7 resulted. Buds are well mossed and open into 10 petaled 3" flowers in an unusual blending of rose pink and yellow. Produces seed and pollen so may be valuable in breeding.
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