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'Mécène' rose References
Book  (Jul 1998)  Page(s) 235.  
Mécène Gallica, Vibert, 1845. Description. Available commercially, but hard to find. Can be seen at L'Haÿ, Tête d'Or, and Sangerhausen. References to antiquity were popular at the time, hence the name. Vibert introduced a number of Gallicas during the 1830s and 40s, many of which are still around today.
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 370.  
Mécène Gallica, white, striped with rose, 1845, Vibert. Description.
Book  (1987)  Page(s) 55.  
Jekyll calls it one of the best gallicas... white and rose striped.
Book  (1986)  Page(s) 41.  
Gallica... medium-sized, double flower, white with lilac-pink stripes, upright, almost thornless...
Website/Catalog  (1968)  Page(s) 24.  
MECENE (Vibert 1845). Belle fleur panachée blanc et lilas.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 467.  
Mécène (Provins) Vibert 1845; white, striped lilac-pink, medium size, double, flat, few prickles, once-blooming.
Book  (1902)  Page(s) 102.  
[Among the roses grown at L'Haÿ in 1902.] No. 3024. (Vibert 1845) blanc et lilas [white and lilac]
Book  (1889)  Page(s) 122.  
French Roses, striped and marbled...
41 Mécène (Vibert 1845), medium size, double, violet striped with carmine
Website/Catalog  (1881)  Page(s) 83.  
Standard Roses
Website/Catalog  (1880)  Page(s) 259.  
Rosiers Provins Panachées (non remontants)
1246 Mécène.- Moyenne, pleine, palte, blanc rubané et flammé de rose lilacé.
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