"La Plus Belle des Ponctuées" rose References
Book (2020) Page(s) 56. La Plus Belle des Ponctuées
Book (Jul 1998) Page(s) 284. La plus belle des ponctuées. Before 1929. Habit: upright shrub, up to 1,60 m tall, very vigorous and healthy; some prickles, strong and hooked, bristles. Foliage: light; large elliptical leaflets. Bloom: only exceptionally solitary, most often in clusters of 3; medium size, double, not very full, very flat cupped form; reflexed petals in the centre, letting some stamens to be seen. Colour: spotted pink, then passing to lilac and Fading to very pale; some petales are slightly streaked White in their centre, the base of the petals, visible, remain yellow. Fragrance: quite strong.... We have not found any old source mentioning this variety, although it appears in numerous collections and there is quite an abundant contemporary bibliography meentioning it. Jacob et al. Report that it figures in the 1929 cartalogue of the immense rosary of Countesse Chotek, near Pressburg (Bratislava), but it is probably an older rose, although not listed in the Nomenclature of Simon and Cochet in 1906.
Book (1997) Page(s) 145. Hebert (France) 1829. Description and vital statistics. The fully double, slightly crumpled flowers are clear rich pink with smudges of softer pink throughout...
Magazine (1996) Page(s) 156. 'La Plus Belle des Ponctuées', origine inconnue, rosier vigoureux, fleurs entierement doubles chiffonnées d'un rose vif maculé de rose tendre.
Book (Nov 1994) Page(s) 33. La Plus Belle des Ponctuées...Description. ....spotting of pale pink on a rich pink ground ....Makes a fine shrub of luxuriant greenery..... Essentially a plant for garden effect.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 295. La Plus Belle des Ponctuées Gallica, deep rose, spotted pale rose.
Book (1992) Page(s) 99. 'La Plus Belle des Ponctuées' The "most beautiful of the spotted" was already mentioned by Countess Chotek, who cultivated 6000 varieties in her Rosarium near Pressburg, as unique. The variety produces full clusters of large blooms in rosette-form, whose deep pink is lightened up by many, almost white spots. The blooms are quite effectful against the dark foliage of the only moderately tall shrub. 1,4 m tall. (Chotek-Catalogue 1929, Nr. 389).
Book (1988) Page(s) 46-47. Includes photo(s). Gallica. Unknown origin. Description.
Book (Dec 1985) Page(s) 160. Origin, date and parentage unknown. Description... flowers: double, slightly crumpled, clear rich pink...
Book (1984) Page(s) 40. 'La plus Belle des Ponctuées' Hauteur 1,50 m - Fleurs: diam. 7 cm. Un Feuillage vert habille ce rosier au port souple. Les fleurs d'un vrai rose se parsèment de petites taches plus pâles. Petites, doubles, peu serrées et plates, elles laissent bien apparître les étamines dorées.