'American Heritage ®' rose References
Book (2002) Page(s) 19. Rated 6.0
Book (19 Apr 2000) Page(s) 300. 'LAMlam', HT, yb, 1965; (American Heritage®); description; AARS, 1966; (Queen Elizabeth X Yellow Perfection); Lammerts, Dr. Walter; Germain's
Book (2000) Page(s) 78. Includes photo(s). ‘American Heritage’/LAMlam = Hybride de Thé – tons jaunes, remontant. Reine de la métamorphose, elle ne cesse de changer de forme et de coloris sans jamais cesser d’enchanter… Lammerts, USA, 1965.
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 78. Includes photo(s). American Heritage (LAMlam) Large-flowered/Hybrid Tea. Lammerts 1965. Description... a melange of ivory, salmon, pink and yellow shades in the broad petals. They open out wide to reveal an expanse of light yellow with pink tinges...
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 49. Includes photo(s). American Heritage Large-flowered (LAMlam)... pale salmon suffuses cream and ivory, little scent. 'Queen Elizabeth' x 'Yellow Perfection'...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 14. Hybrid Tea, ivory and salmon blend, becoming salmon, 1965, (LAMlam); 'Queen Elixabeth' x 'Yellow Perfection'; Lammerts, W.E. Description
Book (1975) Page(s) 105. Dr. A. S. Thomas, Victoria. Some of the New Ones. American Heritage. HT. (Lammerts, 1965) ('Queen Elizabeth' x 'Yellow Perfection'). Not new but it has sneaked into Australia almost unnoticed. I saw it first in a friend's garden in Phoenix, Arizona. It had not been named then. It has very beautiful form, size and colouring which is cream, the outer petals being edged with pink. A very tall grower (over three metres) - needs shelter from wind. Almost no perfume.
Book (1973) Page(s) 146. Dr. A. S. Thomas Victoria. The New Ones. American Heritage. HT. (Lammerts, 1965). Well up to specimen bloom standard. Predominantly white with deep salmon to light carmine edging to each petal. This cultivar impressed me greatly in Arizona in 1963, where I saw it on trial before being released.
Website/Catalog (1972) Page(s) 10. AMERICAN HERITAGE (LAMiam 502) Sur un beau feuillage brillant, cette rose développe des boutons jaune canari clair qui se marquent et se nuancent de vermillon écarlate à l'épanouissement
[no longer listed in 1975]
Magazine (Aug 1971) Page(s) 3. trimester, p. 23. QUELQUES VARIETES RECOMMANDEES POUR NOS REGIONS ENSOLEILLEES [Mediterranean] HYBRIDES DE THE American heritage, jaune canari clair / Antigone, jaune orangé / Belle Strasbourgeoise, rose saumoné / Clio, rouge / Donatella, rouge capucine et revers jaune citron / Firmament, rouge / Gold Time, ambre jaune / Jamaica, rouge cerise / Kronenbourg, rouge et jaune orangé / Mariléne, rose / Mignonne, rose nacré / Merci, rose saumon / Mystère, rose clair / Red lion, rouge cerise / Rose Gaujard, rouge et argent / Shannon, rose foncé / Sissi, lilas pastel / Super Star, orange saumoné / Tanagra, rouge orangé / Wizo, orange saumoné.