'Distinction' rose References
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 276. Distinction Hybrid Tea. Bennett, 1882. Two parentages given: (1) 'Mme de St.-Joseph' x 'Eugène Verdier'; or, (2) 'Mabel Morrison' x 'Devoniensis'. [Author cites information from different sources.]
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 326. Distinction Hybrid Tea. Henry Bennett 1882
Book (1936) Page(s) 211. Distinction (HT) Bennett 1883; M. de St. Josephe X Eugénie Verdier or M. Morrisson X Devoniensis; peach-pink, shaded yellowish purple-pink, 3/4-full, flat cup form, fine form, drooping, fragrance 6/10 (centifolia), floriferous, growth 8/10.
Magazine (27 May 1911) Page(s) 254. The Parentage of Roses. The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it... Distinction... Hybrid Tea, Bennett, 1882, Mme. St. Joseph X Eugénie Verdier
Magazine (1901) Page(s) 154. Distinction Bennett 1883
Book (1889) Page(s) 148. Hybrid tea-scented roses. Distinction (Bennett 1882). Almost double, fine form. Peach-pink, opens well when well shaded, very vigorous. Especially good exhibition rose and excellent forcing rose, expands easily and willingly, almost each branch acdorned witha bud. Opens willingly already end of January. Descends from Mme. de Saint Josephe and Mlle. Eugène Verdier.
Book (1885) Page(s) Vol. I, p. 257. Hyb. thé. Distinction. Bennett 1882, provenant de variétés Mme de Saint-Joseph et Eugénie Verdier. Arbuste très vigoureux; fleur pas très pleine mais bien faite; couleur teintée de pêcher; d'un coloris difficile à décrire, s'ouvre facilement; magnifique rose pour expositions, cupuliforme, odeur de Centfeuilles.
Book (1883) Page(s) 237. Distinction, the product of a crossing between Madame de St.-Joseph and Mademoiselle Eugénie Verdier, is of quite floriferous habit. Large bloom, nodding, loose, but more double than L'Elégante; cup form; yellowish purple-pink. This variety does not satisfy me fully; I make the highest claims to Bennett's art; therefore I have not missed orally telling the breeder my judgement. An "improved Distinction" which will appear shortly will be the answer to my expressed opinion.
Magazine (1882) Page(s) 200. Distinction (Mme. St. Joseph x Mlle. Eugenie Verdier). Very strong growth. Blooms not very double, but finely formed. Peach-bloom colour and difficult to describe shading.