'Rosa damascena var. trigintipetala' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
2 DEC 15 by
Is anyone growing this rose in warm climates? I wish to grow it in Delhi( India). Our climate would be similar to zone 10 b of the US. The winter low is 2°C.
#1 of 9 posted
3 DEC 15 by
You might be able to if it's not too humid during the summer season.
#2 of 9 posted
3 DEC 15 by
We actually do have low humidity most of the year. Except during peak winter when it rains and moisture goes up for 2 or 3 weeks.
It is a survivor rose growing on its own roots in South Australia, in areas that are about zone 9b. It will sucker, so you might prefer a budded plant.
#4 of 9 posted
3 DEC 15 by
Thankyou for your response. I wouldn't mind if it suckers. It's in a pot for now. Once it's strong I plan to plant it in a location where it's suckers will not be an issue. As long as it flowers as gloriously, as it is reputed to.
#5 of 9 posted
28 AUG 17 by
I was wondering, could Humidity or the heat be my problem with this rose dieing back every summer? I really love this rose, one of my absolute favorites, I even give it extra water , where as with other's I don't have too, but it still dies back. Is there anything I can do to help it handle it better?
When you saying dying back in summer, do you mean the canes themselves turn to dead wood, or just that it drops leaves?
#7 of 9 posted
28 AUG 17 by
The canes brown and die. It will usually send up new canes in the fall. It just started this last year, if I am remembering correctly. I've had it five years now I think. Our weather has been hotter than usual the past two summers, with less summer rain it seems to me than previous years..but last year it was hotter than this year and it died back more this year than last year. So confusing, do you think I should dig it up and inspect roots? Where it's at it drains well, I know the water doesn't take long to drain, so I'm not sure what else the problem is or what to do.. Autumn Damask, used to die back too, before I started giving it more what during the summer , and is the biggest now than it's been since I've had it. I also have Ispahan and it's huge and beautiful..
Can't really tell from here, but if you have fast drainage, and more water fixed Autumn Damask, and Kazanlik sends up new canes in autumn, then at a guess it sounds very much as if Kazanlik is simply being dehydrated during summer.
A quick check on a few roots is probably a good idea, but if they aren't rotting I'd just try watering the crap out of it in summer and see what happens. You should be able to tell fairly quickly if that will help or not.
By the way - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazanlak#Climate - might be useful.
#9 of 9 posted
29 AUG 17 by
Thanks so much for the link, I'll check the roots tomorrow.
Well I checked the roots and they looked fine and seemed strong, had lots of earth worms..so I watered deeply and mulched it with some composted chicken manure from my chickens, and am gonna hope for some new growth soon, and let ya'll know when I see some.
Mine does get some repeat here in Ventura, CA. Not much but enough for a nice surprise. Also, this rose likes to be big and spread out. It suckers easily.