'Jacqueline Nebout' rose Reviews & Comments
'Jacqueline Nebout' s' synonym - 'City of Adelaide' was used to celebrate the first Rose Festival in Adelaide, South Australia. It's parentage is unknown.
From the Australian PBR website:
"Origin Arose from the controlled pollination of 'Meidanu' x 'Meitulimon' [by 'Meihartfo']. Bred by Alain Meilland, SNC Meilland et Cie, Antibes, France."
Source: http://pericles.ipaustralia.gov.au/pbr_db/docs/1992107.doc
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Some of the information differs from our references so we'll need to research a bit.
It would be helpful to get parentage input and updated. Thanks, Robert
Aha - a can of worms for breakfast. I don't know what Simon's words (by Meihartfo) means, and cannot get into the Australian PBR website. As far as I can see,
1965 Tamango MEIdanu (Alain x [Radar x Caprice] 1970 Kalinka MEIhartfor (Zambra x [Sarabande x Fashion] 1977 Manou Meilland MEItulimon [Baronne Edmond de Rothschild x BEdR] x [Ma Fille x Love Song] 1987 Jacqueline Nebout (Tamango x Manou Meilland)
Would that be correct?
Looks correct to me, unless I'm missing something. Thanks, Robert
Grateful. Parentage added.
Not my words. Copied and pasted directly from the word document linked to here: http://pericles.ipaustralia.gov.au/pbr_db/plant_detail.cfm?AID=23351670 . More fully the excerpt looks like this:
"ROSE Rosa
'Meichoiju' synonym 'City of Adelaide' Application No. 1992/107 Application Accepted 28 July 1992 Applicant: SNC Meilland et Cie,Antibes, France Australian Agent:Ross Roses,Willunga, South Australia
Description A medium pink (RHS 52D) remontant flowering bush rose producing medium sized (av. 97.15mm) blooms bourne in clusters of 3-5 blooms per stem. Each semi-double bloom has 26-32 petals. The medium sized leaves (av. terminal leaflet length - 51.9mm) dark green and glossy on the upper side. Shape of terminal leaflet base obtuse and terminal leaflet in cross section is concave. Undulation of leaflet margin medium. Thorn shape catena on the upper side and concave on the lower side. Strong sepal length - mean 25.55mm. Mild petal reflexing present and petal undulation observed. Filament colour yellow, style colour red. Stigma located above the anther. 'Meichoiju' has medium sized pitcher shaped seed vessels.
Origin Arose from the controlled pollination of 'Meidanu' x 'Meitulimon' [by 'Meihartfo']. Bred by Alain Meilland, SNC Meilland et Cie, Antibes, France.
Comparative Trial The comparator is 'Kalinka'. The comparative test conducted at Willunga, South Australia 23 April 1993. Measurements from 20 specimens selected at random from 6-10 plants. Plants grown in open beds in clay loam soil.
Prior Applications And Sales Country Year Status Name applied France 1988 Granted 'Meichoiju' 'Meichioju' was first sold in France on 1st April 1988.
Description prepared by A. Kim Syrus, Melrose Park, South Australia."
Thanks for that Simon. (Odd that I couldn't get into the Australian patent on the iPad, but no problem on the computer.)
I recently lost my daughter,who, when living in Perth several years ago ,had a favourite rose bush near her front door. She said it was City of Adelaide but the pink colour in this photo seems to be more of a 'bluey-pink' than hers. Can someone tell me if this photo is true to colour or is the rose more of a 'shell' pink as I remember it please? I would really love to get one for her resting place. I am in NZ