— A —
Rose (member) Garden. 119 plants listed. 3 photos. USDA zone 10b.
7 favorite votes. Listed as 'Shadow Dancer'.
Rose (member) Garden. 1558 plants listed. 8 photos.
11 favorite votes. Listed as 'Shadow Dancer'.
Rose and clematis (member) Garden. 412 plants listed. 3 photos. USDA zone 8a. Listed as 'Shadow Dancer'.
Rose (member) Garden. 836 plants listed. USDA zone 9a.
13 favorite votes. Listed as 'Shadow Dancer'.
— C —
Rose (member) Garden. 369 plants listed. 368 photos. USDA zone 8b.
48 favorite votes. Average rating:
EXCELLENT. Listed as 'Shadow Dancer'.
Rose, peony and clematis. 880 plants listed. 7 photos. USDA zone 5b.
22 favorite votes. Listed as 'Shadow Dancer'.
Rose, peony and clematis (limited public access) Garden. 3957 plants listed. 2715 photos. USDA zone 9b.
52 favorite votes. Average rating:
EXCELLENT. Listed as 'Shadow Dancer'.
— D —
Rose (member) Garden. 4 plants listed. 8 photos. Listed as 'Shadow Dancer'.
— I —
Rose (public) Garden. 603 plants listed. 13 photos.
7 favorite votes. Listed as 'Shadow Dancer'.
— J —
Rose (member) Garden. 2315 plants listed. USDA zone 9b.
17 favorite votes. Listed as 'Shadow Dancer'.
— K —
Rose (member) Garden. 63 plants listed. 1 photo. USDA zone 9b.
12 favorite votes. Listed as 'Shadow Dancer'.
— L —
Rose (member) Garden. 435 plants listed. 296 photos.
15 favorite votes. Average rating:
EXCELLENT. Listed as 'Shadow Dancer'.
Rose (member) Garden. 731 plants listed. USDA zone 6a.
11 favorite votes. Listed as 'Shadow Dancer'.
— M —
Rose (member) Garden. 1491 plants listed.
2 favorite votes. Listed as 'Shadow Dancer'.
— N —
Rose and clematis (member) Garden. 139 plants listed. 8 photos. USDA zone 9a.
15 favorite votes. Listed as 'Shadow Dancer'.
— R —
Rose (member) Garden. 1315 plants listed. 150 photos.
57 favorite votes. Average rating:
EXCELLENT. Listed as 'Shadow Dancer'.
Rose (historical reference) Garden. 903 plants listed. 1908 photos. USDA zone 10a.
50 favorite votes. Listed as 'Shadow Dancer'.
Washington, United States
Rose (member) Garden. 68 plants listed. 76 photos.
5 favorite votes. Listed as 'Shadow Dancer'.
— S —
Rose (member) Garden. 30 plants listed. 41 photos.
8 favorite votes. Listed as 'Shadow Dancer'.
Rose (member) Garden. 101 plants listed. USDA zone 9b.
6 favorite votes. Listed as 'Shadow Dancer'.
C - Comments E - Events | I - Introductions J - Journal | L - Plant List M - Promotions | N - Newsletter P - Photos | R - Ratings/Votes T - Notes | V - Favorite |