'R. spinosissima marmorea' rose References
Book (2002) Page(s) 160. Burnet or Scotch Roses (Pimpinellifolias) Irish Marbled: Low shrub to 1 m tall. Flowers small, deep pink with paler reverse, semi-double. Hips dark. Origin unknown, probably pre-1900. [Irish Rich Marbled]
Book (1936) Page(s) 117. Burnet-leaved Scotch variegated, dwarf (?) in England before 1759; ?, single, shor habit
Book (1823) Page(s) 141. ROSA boreàlis. T.
R. urceolis subglobosis, pedunculis brevibus, segmentisque lanceolatis integerrimis glabris , foliolis ovatis, crenatis glabris, caule humili, ramulisque aculeatissimis , aculeis inaequalibus , rectis, albidis. T.
Rosa spinosissima пaпа. Аndr. Ros. fasc. 24. Rosa spinosissima β. Ciphiana. Smith. Fl. britt. II. 5З7. Rosa spinosissima var. flore marmoreo. Andr. 1. с. fasc. 9. Rosa pimpinellifolia ti floribus variegatis. Thory; apud Redout. in Ros. T. I. p. 84. Rosa spinosissima nana rubra. Andr. Ros. f. 40.
Website/Catalog (1820) Page(s) 33. ROSA fl. simpl. 46 spinosissima marmorea
Website/Catalog (1816) Page(s) 36. Trees and Shrubs. ROSA, ROSE [blooms from May through August] spinosissima... Single Marbled Scotch
Book (1815) Page(s) Tab. 115. Includes photo(s). Rosa pimpinelli folia punctata
Website/Catalog (1812) Page(s) 65. ROSES. Scotch —Marbled
Booklet (1809) Page(s) 404. List of roses sold by Lee & Kennedy, Nursery & Seedsmen, Hammersmith 35 Marbled Scotch
Book (1807) Page(s) fasc. 9, tab. 124. Includes photo(s). ROSA spinosissima; Var. flore marmoreo. Thorny Rose; Marble-flowered Variety.
Specific Character. Rose, with round seed-buds, and smooth; peduncles and petioles smooth; the leaflets are ovate, notched, and smooth; the flowers are marbled, and of a purple colour; the stem and branches are very prickly; the prickles straight out, and of a whitish colour.
This fine Marbled Variety of the spinosissima is certainly much more desirable than its original, but is by no means so abundant; and we think it is a smaller or more dwarf-growing plant: but not having seen more than two plants of it in bloom, we cannot be quite certain of its character in that particular. The flowers are somewhat smaller than in the White, and one of the specimens in bloom at the nursery of Malcolm and Co., Kensington, still smaller than our figure of it, but fully equal in beauty and richness of colour to the plant from which our figure was made at the nursery of Messrs. Loddige, Hackney; but so variable are the Striped and Marbled Roses, that we cannot expect them often to stand the test of comparison. It is an early blooming Rose, but not of long duration; beginning to flower the latter end of May, and seldom lasting more than three weeks.
Book (1799) Page(s) tab 78. Includes photo(s). Rosa Spinosissima Marbled Scotch Rose