Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 561. Hybrid Tea, pink blend, 1942, Van Rossem; J&P. Bud long, pointed; flowers red becoming lively pink, reverse darker, double (30 petals), high-centered, large (4 in.); fragrant (fruity); foliage glossy; vigorous; bushy growth.
Book (1958) Page(s) 381. Sonata. HT. (Van Rossem; int. J&P, '42.) Parentage unknown. Bud long pointed; fl. large (4 in.), dbl. (30 petals), high centered, fragrant (fruity), red becoming lively pink, reverse darker; long, strong stem. Fol. glossy. Vig., bushy (28) Pl. Pat. 732.
Book (1947) Page(s) 127. Herbert C. Swim. An Evaluation of the Newer Roses in the United States. Sonata, in the Hybrid Tea class, is fully as good as some of the A.A.R.S. recommendations and is one of the best of the more recent Van Rossem originations. The form of the bud is magnificent, the colour is very pleasing during the warmer months. The faults of this variety are a somewhat hard colour (orange-pink) in cool weather, and a tendency of the open blooms to quarter.
Book (1943) Page(s) 16. R. Marion Hatton. The World's New Roses There were two Hollanders, Sonata from Van Rossem and Golden Diamond from Verschuren. The plants of Sonata seemed typical Van Rossem, but the buds were lovely. Long pointed creations of rich coppery pink, which opened to attractive blooms of the same colour, but, like all of the coppers, they should be cut in bud and opened inside; the fading is unpleasant. I counted thirty petals and found the usual Pernetiana's fruity fragrance.