'Semperflorens' rose Description
Photo courtesy of Johno
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Bermuda Rose, China / Bengale, Species / Wild.
Crimson. None / no fragrance. Medium to large, semi-double to double, reflexed bloom form. Occasional repeat later in the season. Glandular sepals buds.
Short, bushy. Large, glossy, dark green foliage. 5 to 7 leaflets.
Height: 2' to 4'11" (60 to 150cm).
USDA zone 7b through 10b. Vigorous. Requires spring freeze protection (see glossary - Spring freeze protection) .
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
If you know the parentage of this rose, or other details, please contact us.
R. chinensis Jacq. Observ.bot 3:7, t.55 (1768). The ancestor of all our repeat-blooming Modern Garden Roses. L'Haÿ labels 'Rose du Bengale' as a Bourbon by Kerr (1879).
[Rosa chinensis var. semperflorens (W. M. Curtis) Koehne (1893) The introduction date of ca. 1789 in "Hortus Kewensis" points to an importation on the "Triton" or "Carnatic". see Gilbert Slater. Currently, there are different roses in trade under this name.- see References.]
According to "Flora of China", the varieties chinesis and semperflorens are distinct lower taxa.