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'Creme Brulee' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 132-975
most recent 22 MAY 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 MAY 22 by Plazbo
It gets infected early and stays spotty and mostly defoliated.

It did form OP hips (around 10% of blooms went to hip), it was surrounded by various diploids (polys, chinas, rugosas), usually 1 or 2 per hip which may be of interest to someone.
Discussion id : 74-403
most recent 4 OCT 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 OCT 13 by A Rose Man
Pollen diameter measurements would suggest that Broadlands is diploid. Couldn't find any grains that exceeded 34 microns.
Discussion id : 57-330
most recent 18 SEP 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 SEP 11 by Simon Voorwinde
not very helpful... from the Australia PBR document:

"Origin and Breeding Controlled pollination: seed parent ‘Unnamed variety’ by pollen parent ‘Unnamed variety’ from breeder’s private collection of germplasm."

Discussion id : 45-449
most recent 2 JUN 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 JUN 10 by k haas
June 1, 2010: ~CREME BRULEE~ is one sale at RITE AID chain stores in NorCAL for $6.99. It does have many roses that are tiny, and they cascade nicely over the side of the pot. The yellow stamen is prominent inside the tiny, many-rounded petals! The roses begin as a gold yellow, and then fade to a warm ivory. . . Oh, Brulee ! !
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