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From 'The Florists' Exchange', April 4, 1914, page 853
Uploaded 9 days ago |
photo from the 1913 catalog, Biltmore Nursery Roses, Asheville, North Carolina; scan courtesy of Biodiversity Heritage Library
Uploaded 27 DEC 21 |
From the 'Florists' Exchange', December 17, 1904, page 758. Same photo as the one used in the Soupert & Notting catalogue but with better resolution.
Uploaded 16 DEC |
Richmond - The Garden Vol 71,30 March 1907, p154.
See refs for accompanying text.
Uploaded 28 APR 18 |
From the 'Florists' Exchange', December 10, 1904, page 722.
Uploaded 16 DEC |
Richmond - Plate 1327, The Garden Vol 71, 22 June 1907.
See refs for text.
Uploaded 28 APR 18 |
From Wilhelm Pfitzer's 1911 catalogue, page 118.
Uploaded 17 SEP |
Etoile de France and Richmond. Although it's not entirely clear which is which, Richmond seems to be the lower rose.
Uploaded 9 MAR 18 |
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