'Amanda Patenotte' rose Reviews & Comments
Trevor Whites Roses is selling "Amande Paternotte" which corresponds to "Amanda Patenotte" on HMF. I strongly suspect however, that the rose they're selling is infact the "Joasine Hanet" rose currently in commerce just based on photographical similarities and description.
I'm of the opinion however that both of these roses sold today are one and the same and can be called "Joasine Hanet" Since the Victorian descriptions all describe the Amande Paternotte being "large" which doesn't fit the flowers of the the modern rose being sold by that name. I suspect this may be an error on the part of modern rose growers but I have no other proof since I don't own both varieties to compare...
Available from - Old Market Farm www.oldmarketfarm.com
Sambolingo, do you know the provenance of Amanda? Is it the same rose which is currently in the trade as both 'Joasine Hanet' and "Portland from Glendora", or something different?
Available from - rosefire
Initial post
2 AUG 09 by
Unregistered Guest
Available from - Hartwood roses Hartwoodroses.com