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'Hulthemia persica' rose References
Article (magazine)  (1 Jun 2015)  Page(s) 282.  
The two arid-adapted subgenera (R. subgen. Hulthemia and Hesperhodos) are suggested as closely related despite low clade support, a relationship previously suggested by Wissemann and Ritz (2005).
Book  (1 May 2003)  
Rosa berberifolia Pallas, Nova Acta Acad. Sci. Imp. Petrop. Hist. Acad. 10: 379. 1797....Hulthemia berberifolia (Pallas) Dumortier.
Shrubs diffuse, dwarf, 30–50 cm tall. Branchlets yellow, smooth when young, becoming dark brown and rough when old, glabrous; prickles in pairs at leaf bases, sparse, yellow, curved, somewhat hooked. Leaves simple, exstipulate, sessile or subsessile; leaf blade elliptic, oblong, rarely ovate, 1–2 × 0.5–1 cm, leathery, glabrous or abaxially sparsely puberulous when young, base subrounded or cordate, rarely broadly cuneate, margin coarsely serrate, becoming entire toward base, apex rounded-obtuse or acute. Flower solitary, 2–2.5 cm in diam.; pedicel 1–1.5 cm, glabrous; bracts absent. Hypanthium globose, abaxially long bristly. Sepals 5, lanceolate, abaxially puberulous, sparsely long bristly, adaxially grayish tomentose, margin entire, apex caudate or long acuminate. Petals 5, yellow, purple-red spotted at base, obovate, slightly longer than sepals. Stamens purple. Styles free, slightly protruding, densely villous. Hip purple-brown, subglobose, ca. 1 cm in diam., densely setose, with persistent sepals. Fl. May–Jun, fr. Jul–Sep.
Slopes, waste fields; 100--600 m. Xinjiang [Kazakhstan, Russia].
Book  (May 1998)  Page(s) 8, 9.  Includes photo(s).
Page 8: Rosa berberifolia ('Barberry-Leaved Rose') Description... corolla of 5 canary-yellow petals, each with a basal purplish spot... This rose, distinguished from all others by the simple leaves, has been brought back from Persia, where it is very common, by Michaux Sr. and Olivier. The latter sent it to Cels Sr. who flowered it for the first time in Paris...
Page 9: [Illustration]
Article (magazine)  (Apr 1998)  Page(s) 19.  
Hulthemia persica a natural cross-genus hybrid with a rose... From this, Jack Harkness produced 'Tigris'... H. persica and 'Tigris' are very difficult to breed and propagate and are not of commercial importance -- except n the breeding program of Chris Warner.

The rose H. persica has one big thing going for it, namely, an absolutely unique coloration of bloom with immense potential. It has several things going against it, including a once-a-year blooming habit, failure to bloom on new wood, and an inability to be propagated in any way other than by seed (which precludes most commercial production). All of these qualities can be bred out, but it takes thousands, or perhaps millions, of hybrid crosses through many generations to reach something of commercial merit...
Book  (1996)  Page(s) 52.  
Rosa persica grows in southwest Asia with stems and leaves unlike those of any other rose, and a distinctive scarlet eye at the base of its canary yellow petals...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 253.  
HULTHEMIA... The one species is distinguished from Rosa by the simple leaves without stipules and small, solitary flowers with a dark eye...
H. persica (Michaux) Bornmueller (Rosa persica Michaux; Rosa berberifolia Pallas; Rosa simplicifolia Salisbury; Hulthemia berberifolia (Pallas) Dumortier; Lowea berberifolia (Pallas) Lindley). Introduced 1790... Flowers buttercup-yellow with a scarlet eye [yb]...
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 64.  Includes photo(s).
[Listed under "Wild Roses and Their Cultivars"] (Hulthemia persica) A semi-desert plant. Flowers: bright yellow with a large red eye.
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 11, 26.  
p. 11: R. persica is unique in having bright yellow petals with a rich splash of scarlet at the base. For years people questioned if it was a rose at all, noting the flowers, the curious grey-green leaves, which are unlike those of any other rose, and the gooseberry-like springy stems armed with narrow spines.
p. 26: Used by Cocker and Harkness in their breeding programs in the 1960s.
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 19.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (1985)  Page(s) 156-157.  
[R. persica is the only wild rose] which has a deep red eye at the centre of its yellow flowers... it is difficult to grow and to mate with other roses. The botanists eventually took it out of the genus Rosa altogether, and renamed it Hulthemia persica. Only one hybrid between R. persica and another rose had ever been known. It was raised in the Luxembourg Gardens in 1836, and was called 'Hardii'. It also has yellow flowers, paler but larger than those of R. persica, and it exhibits a fine red eye... [Alec] eventually got seed of [R. persica] by means of a botanist who was travelling to Persia, its chief native habitat... he shared the seed with [Jack Harkness who] did a lot of interesting work with it, raising the first recorded hybrids from it since 1836.
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