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'Climbing Altissimo' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 84-813
most recent 10 MAY 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 MAY 15 by jasminerose
I'm not a huge fan of singles, but I saw Altissimo in a private, no-spray garden and the petals glowed in the sun. I also saw this rose at the Huntington Gardens and it was stunning next to its companion plant.
Discussion id : 69-725
most recent 29 JAN 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 JAN 13 by Margaret Furness
Consistently wins the "single rose" class at South Australian Rose Society shows.
Reply #1 of 4 posted 27 JAN 13 by Patricia Routley
And in Western Australia it wins my choice for a Christmas dinner table piece with some variegated holly leaves.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 29 JAN 13 by Eric Timewell
Some would say 'Altissimo' has as much personality as shredded lettuce. But no one would dream of saying such a thing about its distinguished advocates.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 29 JAN 13 by Margaret Furness
Actually, I'm a bit miffed that it wins most of the time. I put roses in the Rose Socy shows as a means of showing old roses to the public, where there's enough space for them to be labelled properly (unlike the table given to non-competing heritage roses in the entrance hall), and I'd rather the winner of the Singles class wasn't Altissimo followed by Sally Holmes - both relatively modern.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 29 JAN 13 by Eric Timewell
The thing about 'Irish Fireflame' and 'Mrs Oakley FIsher' is, you can't stop looking at them. Okay, they aren't pillar box red, but …
Discussion id : 57-566
most recent 28 SEP 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 SEP 11 by beaniebeagle
Very stiff and upright on my trellis. You need to keep on top of things to keep it in bounds. Would recommend you sprawl it out laterally along a tall fence than trying to bend the stiff canes on a narrower trellis. Awesome in bloom. Very disease resistant.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 27 SEP 11 by Kim Rupert
Agreed, but that stifness is also beneficial is you grow it as a free standing shrub. I grew an own root plant of Altissimo that way for nearly eighteen years. It stood upright perfectly all by itself. It made a very attractive "pillar" of dark green leaves, brilliant red blooms and bright orange hips.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 28 SEP 11 by beaniebeagle
That's why i plan on taking some cuttings.

How tall and wide did it get? Or did you keep the size in check? The canes that are not yet attached to my trellis shot up to over eight feet from the base without any support.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 28 SEP 11 by Kim Rupert
Mine was own root and in full, all day sun so it didn't have the extra vigor of a root stock, nor did it have to climb for light. It remained about six feet at its highest with many other shoots shorter. It was more than satisfactory grown that way.
Discussion id : 44-949
most recent 25 JUL 11 SHOW ALL
Initial post 19 MAY 10 by Anne M
Northwestern Ontario, Canada, USDA Z2
This will be the second summer for Altus in my garden. It survived the winter with no protection and little winter kill. The snow cover was gone by early March, but we were still getting 0 to 5 degrees F overnight temps. I'm anxiously waiting to see what it's performance will be this year - last summer it did extremely well.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 25 JUL 11 by Elizabeth
I live in zone 5a, but try to keep to zone 4 roses, and am looking for a shade tolerant climber which is disease resistant and fairly every blooming. I am wondering how your Altissimo has done in your climate?
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