'Doctor Robert Korns' rose Reviews & Comments
Can anyone share the degree of thorniness? I have one coming in the spring that I plan to put in a shady spot with the hopes that will keep it smaller.
As I recall it's not fun to prune. I wouldn't count on keep it small.
#2 of 5 posted
28 DEC 23 by
Thank you! Do you think that it being in lots of shade will keep it small? Rogue Valley Roses says theirs stays 5'x5'. That's kind of what I want. They also say it is very shade tolerant.
It got tall here, like 10-12'
It grows like a tall fountain that spills over if it has the space to grow naturally.
#4 of 5 posted
16 JAN 24 by
Thank you for the info! I am Zone 7a in Utah. We get a good freeze period in winter so I suspect mine might stay smaller if I put it in the shade. Here's to hoping. I will add to comments in a year or so once it has grown and survived a winter die back.
It may be an ideal climate. It should have enough vigor to bounce back nicely and not grow too large.
Initial post
6 APR 15 by
More than twice the described size in my Sunset zone 20 garden, free-standing in 4 years forms a mound to 12' high and 25' in diameter. Looking likely to catch up with a nearby Climbing Cécile Brunner, Aptos is poking out the top of a Mission Fig.
Yes, it gets huge and it is beautiful.
Considering the amount of tip dieback this rose suffered(or didn't) during the winter compared to my other roses, I'd put its cold hardiness at at least Zone 5. Since breaking dormancy in the spring, Aptos has grown like a weed. It's probably going to wind up being massive, and is covered with flower buds. It also really attracts the aphids.
Thanks for this - considering it for a spot in a Zone 5 garden.
Although the heading at the top of the page says 'Doctor Robert Korns' the description and photos are of Aptos.
Same plant. As written in the description "Renamed in honor of the breeder's dear friend, Dr. Robert Korns."