'Curly Pink' rose References
Book (1993) Page(s) 159. Includes photo(s). Hybrid Tea. Brownell (USA) 1948. ('Pink Princess' x 'Crimson Glory') Flowers continuously. Height: 90 cm (3 ft.) Good scent.
Book (1958) Page(s) 74. Curly Pink. HT. (Brownell, '48.) Pink Princess X Crimson Glory. Bud long pointed, rose-red; fl. large 3½-5 in.), dbl. (40-60 petals, curled outward), fragrant, deep rose-pink, Fol. glossy, dark. Very vig., compact; profuse bloom. Hardy for the class. (28) Pl. Pat. 842.
Book (1952) Page(s) 131. Noel Cutler, N.Z. Curly Pink: A distinctive, long-lasting, free-flowering fragrant two-toned pink that will succeed anywhere and resist disease.