'Charles Wood' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 761. Wood, Charles (HP) Portemer 1864; dark red, shaded blackish red, reverse whitish, large, double, fine form, solitary or up to 3, floriferous, repeats, growth 7/10.
Book (1906) Page(s) 119. Hybrides Remontants. Groupe E. — Général Jacqueminot Les rosiers formant ce groupe, le plus important de tous, sont des arbustes de végétation vigoureuse, très florifères et portant beaucoup à fruit. Rameaux allongés, généralement gris; aiguillons nombreux, crochus; feuillage vert foncé, folioles ovales; floraison le plus souvent en corymbe; fleur forme en coupe ou chiffonnée, frisée, quelquefois globuleuse, coloris du rouge clair au pourpre noirâtre; fruits abondants, de forme plutôt arrondie. 3765. Charles Wood... (Portemer 1864)... rouge foncé.
Book (1906) Page(s) 33. 2.130. Charles Wood, Hybride Remontant, Portemer 1864 rouge revers marbré.
Book (1882) Page(s) 6. Charles Wood... Hybride Perpétuel. Portemer. 1864 Rouge foncé. Fleur grande. Plante vigoureuse.
Website/Catalog (1875) Page(s) 4. 24 Charles Vood, rouge foncé.
Magazine (23 Mar 1867) Page(s) 121. "Roses and the frost at Stamford" by Charles Laxton During the nights of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of January my thermometer registered here, in a walled garden at five feet from the ground, and in the open, 23°, 21°, 22°, and 22° of frost respectively... The snow here froze on the branches, and was three inches deep on the ground.... My list of uninjured (No. 1) may therefore be relied upon as containing only thoroughly hardy sorts. Hybrid Perpetuals Charles Wood
Magazine (Jul 1865) Page(s) 203. Une Proménade au Milieu des Roses. Charles Wood, fleur grande, bien faite, rouge très-foncé ombré noirâtre.
A Stroll Amongst the Roses. Charles Wood, the large, well-formed flower is a very deep red with blackish shadings.
Magazine (29 Nov 1864) Page(s) 427. The New Roses....and now where is the selection? I should say Hybrid Pepetuals Rushton Radclyffe, Souvenir de William Wood, Charles Margottin, Duc de Wellington, Duchesse de Medina Coeli, Duchesse de Caylus, Madame Charles Verdier, Marguerite de St. Arnaud, Jean Rosencrantz, Triomphe de la Terre des Roses, Xavier Olibo, Monsieur Moreau, Charles Wood, and Souvenir de Bernardin de St. Pierre.
Magazine (22 Nov 1864) Page(s) 408. The New Roses....Portemer fils...Charles Wood.- Flowers full, very well formed. Very dark red shaded with black. ...The first of These reminds of Lord Macaulay, a flower of the same raiser's. I hope it may be worthy of the rosarian whose name it bears, for it will then be what the boys call a "stunner."
Magazine (Nov 1864) Page(s) 243. The New Varieties for 1865. Hybrid Perpetuals. 26. Charles Wood (Portemer, fils). — Shrubby, vigorous, flower large, full, very finely formed; very deep red, tinted blackish.