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'Caroline Marniesse' rose References
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 146.  
‘Caroline Marniesse’: Noisette. Parfois confondu avec ‘Félicité et Perpétue’, ce Noisette peu courant s’inonde en juin de pompons tout ronds d’environ 5cm de diamètre, rose carné clair, puis blanc pur, qui fleurent un peu la rose et beaucoup le foin coupé. En situation chaude, ce bon grimpant à feuillage vert bronze refleurit jusqu’en automne… Roeser, France, 1848.

Approximate translation:
Caroline Marniesse’: Noisette. Sometimes confused with 'Félicité et Perpétue', this unusual Noisette is flooded in June with very round pompoms of around 5cm in diameter, light flesh pink, then pure white, which smell a little like rose and a lot like cut hay. In a warm situation, this good climber with bronze-green foliage blooms again until autumn... Roeser, France, 1848.
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 78.  
Caroline Marniesse Noisette, creamy white, 1848, Roeser.
Book  (1991)  Page(s) 227.  
Caroline Marniesse Roeser, 1848. Noisette. [Author cites information from different sources.]
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 459.  
Marniesse, Caroline (noisette) Roeser 1848; flesh-white, shaded pink, medium size, double, globular, in clusters of 10, floriferous, continuous bloom, good autumn bloom, growth 7/10, climbing, 2.50 m, hardy. Sangerhausen
Book  (1933)  Page(s) 166.  
Caroline Marniesse. Roeser, 1848. An old cluster-flowering Noisette, nearly hardy in the North, with small, globular flowers of pale flesh-pink, almost white. Blooms continuously, and should be a good rose in the South.
Website/Catalog  (1929)  Page(s) 60.  
Noisette Roses
We offer here a selection of this old and very beautiful class of Roses, mostly of climbing habit, although a few of the older bushy type are included. The flowers are usually of the much-desired yellow and coppery shades and are uniformly fragrant. Recommended to our southern friends.
Caroline Marniesse. (Roeser, 1848.) Small double flowers of creamy white, produced in large clusters. Vigorous growth.
A charming old sort long disappeared from cultivation. One of the true, early Noisettes.
Website/Catalog  (1908)  Page(s) 19.  
Hybrid Perpetual Roses.
Caroline Marniesse. Blossoms medium size, pure white slightly tinged pink; a constant and profuse bloomer; very hardy, and especially adapted to cemetery and border planting....Each  .25, per 10  1.50
Book  (1902)  Page(s) 90.  
Noisettes ordinaires....
2509. Caroline Marniesse, Roëser 1848, carné
Magazine  (1901)  Page(s) 216-220.  
"Classification Horticole Des Roses," Rapport présenté par M. P. Guillot, rosiériste à Lyon:
Il reste enfin en troisième lieu toutes les variétés ayant les caractères du type qui formeront le groupe des vrais R. Noisettiana. En voici la description : Arbuste vigoureux, assez rustiqus, rameaux allongés, sarmenteux, flexibles, aiguillons peu nombreux, moyen ; folioles ovales, vert glauque, légèrement tomenteuses, inflorescences nombreuses, en corymbes; fleurs petites, doubles. Il renferme les variétés suivantes:
[rough translation]
Finally, there remains, third, all varieties having the characteristics of the type that form the group of real R. Noisettiana. Here is the description: vigorous shrub, hardy enough, elongated branches, scandent, flexible, prickles few, medium-sized, oval leaflets, glaucous green, slightly hairy, inflorescence numerous, in corymbs; flowers small, double. It contains the following varieties:
Aimé Vibert (Vibert, 1828), blanc.
Bougainville (Cochet, 1824), rose.
Caroline Marniesse (Rœser, 1848), blanc carné.
Fellenberg (Fellenberg, 1857), carmin.
L'Abondance (Moreau-Robert, 1887), blanc rosé.
Octavie (Vibert, 1845), rose pourpre.
Philomèle (Vibert, 1844), carné.
Pourpre (Lafay, 1823), pourpre.
Repens (Noisette, 1829), blanc.
Triomphe de la Duchère (Beluze, 1846), rose tendre.
Vicomtesse d'Avesne (Rœser, 1847), rose.
Book  (1899)  Page(s) 32.  
Caroline Marniesse, noisette, Roeser, 1848, carné
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