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Lovett's Fall Planting Suggestions
(1925)  Page(s) 25.  
Abel de Pujol.—Lilac rose, shaded white.
(1925)  Page(s) 19.  
ALIDA LOVETT.—In habit it is quite like the popular Van Fleet, but with larger and more beautiful mildew-proof foliage. Both buds and flowers are much brighter and larger, besides being of ideal form; are held on stiff stems a foot and a half to two feet long, and the color is a lively bright shell pink with shading of rich sulphur at the base of petals—a combination that is both novel and beautiful. The plant is of strong growth, a free bloomer and of ironclad hardihood; flowering for a long season. It is also quite fragrant. Price, field-grown, each, $1.50; dozen, $15.00.
(1925)  Page(s) 19.  
AMERICAN PILLAR.—This is positively one of the most gorgeous climbers that we have ever seen. Its glossy, mildew-proof foliage and extremely strong growth make it desirable for covering summerhouses and arbors; at the same time, its wealth of bloom is truly wonderful. When in bloom it is almost covered with immense clusters of single blossoms, three inches across, that are a lovely apple-blossom pink, with bright golden stamens.
(1925)  Page(s) 19.  
AUNT HARRIET.—Originated by the famous Rose-hybridizer, Dr. W. Van Fleet. In full bloom it is amazingly fine, with scarlet-crimson Roses loading every branch. Certificate of Merit, A. R. S.
(1925)  Page(s) 19.  
AVIATEUR BLERIOT.—Saffron-yellow flowers, with centers of golden yellow, are produced in clusters. A vigorous grower and quite the finest of its color.
(1925)  Page(s) 25.  
Banquet.—Light pink, flowers in clusters.
(1925)  Page(s) 19.  
BESS LOVETT.—Is of strong growth, with large, glossy Silver Moon-like foliage, and, what is remarkable in a climbing rose, the flowers are exquisitely fragrant. There is no other climbing rose we have ever seen that at all approaches, much less rivals, this grand rose in perfume. Flowers are lavishly produced, are of good size, double, full and cupped form. The color is a clear bright red. The roses, which are very lasting, are also very beautiful in bud and are borne on long stems, hence are admirable for cutting. Price, field-grown, each $1.00; dozen, $10.00.
(1925)  Page(s) 25.  
Canari.—Midseason. Primary petals white, flushed delicate pink, changing to pure white with deep primrose yellow center. Bomb type.
(1925)  Page(s) 19.  
Climbing American Beauty.—Of the same color and fragrance as the American Beauty, but smaller. A profuse bloomer and a vigorous grower.
(1925)  Page(s) 25.  
Couronne d'Or (Crown of Gold).—Semi-rose; white with a ring of yellow stamens, crimson splashes ; late; agreeable fragrance. Medium height and strong grower, blooming freely. Waterlily fragrance.
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