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'Van Houttei' peony References
Article (magazine)  (Jan 1955)  Page(s) 13.  
There were also hundreds of lilac pinks, magenta. pinks and plain magentas, most of which were very unattractive. Many closely resembled Banksi. Typical varieties were 'Archduc Ludovico,' 'Athlete,' 'Beaute de Twickel,' 'Jules PirIot,' 'La Ville de St. Denis,' 'Morris,' 'Princess Louise,' 'Reine Amelie,' 'Reine des Fleurs,' 'Triomphe de Vandermaelen,' and 'van Houttei.' All these varieties proved, in Holland and France, easy to propagate in comparison with the later introduced Japanese varieties. Which varieties bearing European names were actually raised from seed in Europe and which were Chinese varieties renamed is not too definitely established.
Book  (1928)  
Comments on and corrections to this list are invited. Information is particularly desired on the varieties believed to have been originated in Italy by Casaretto, Burdin, and others, for all attempts to learn something of these men have ended in failure.

Van Houttei. Double (Casaretto) offered by Haage & Schmidt 1864; Van Houtte 1873; Krelage 1867; Dessert 1899, 1905; Paillet 1889.
Website/Catalog  (1924)  Page(s) 152.  
Pivoines en arbre...Van Houttei.- Rose carmin clair, centre nuancé plus vif.

[no longer listed in the 1926 catalogue]
Magazine  (22 Jan 1887)  Page(s) 77.  
The Tree Pæony. 
...For the last twenty years or longer we have had to look to our French neighbours for new sorts of Tree Pæony, for since they have taken the work of hybridising and raising seedlings in hand they have supplied us with all the finest sorts.  Until now the list is long- too long, in fact, for names are given where very shadowy differences exist.
List of select Varieties.
Van Houttei, carmine
Magazine  (26 Feb 1876)  Page(s) 197.  
The Best Tree Peonies.
The following list contains some of the very best varieties of tree Peonies or Moutans at present in cultivation; I obtained it from my friend M. Charles Verdier, of Paris, who makes Peonies his special study; among them, as will be seen, are few novelties, but M. Verdier states that the newer varieties are generally inferior to the older kinds:
Van Houtteii, large, double, carmine...
Website/Catalog  (1860)  Page(s) 28.  
Chinese Tree Pæonies. — Pæonia Moutan.
These are the most splendid and showy of all flowering shrubs, and among the most rare.
The flowers are mostly fragrant, and all are double, unless denoted otherwise.  They are perfectly hardy, and will withstand the winters of our most northern States and the Canadas.  They bloom in May, ten to fifteen days before the Chinese Herbaceous varieties.
The following are imported varieties.  We can supply extra size plants of most of the varieties, at a moderate advance in prices.
98.  Van Houttei...  Bright carmine, splendid...  $3.00 to $4.00 
Magazine  (Jul 1858)  Page(s) 163.  
Pivoines arborescentes.
Les variétés apportéees par MM. Verdier père et fils, horticulteurs à Paris, étaient moins nombreuses, mais bien choisis.
Figuraient également : Van Houttei, - Élisabeth, - Louise Mouchelet, - Lambertina.
Magazine  (1 Jun 1858)  Page(s) 285.  
L'Exposition de la Société impériale et centrale d'Horticulture, ouverte le 12 mai et se prolongeant jusqu'au 27 ...
Les Pivoines arborescentes étaient représentées, comme plante de collection, par M. Modeste Guérin et MM. Verdier, père et fils; nous citerons plus particulièrement parmi les lots de ces horticulteurs distingués, P. Elisabeth, Van-houtei, Beauty of canton et alba plena, comme les plus remarquables pour la beauté des fleurs et leur coloris riche et délicat;
Website/Catalog  (1857)  Page(s) 9.  
Pivoines en Arbres .... Vanhouttii (Casorettii), fleur pleine et très-larges, rouge amaranthe magnifique, variété extra ... 10 francs
Magazine  (1 Sep 1855)  Page(s) 203.  
Les variétés les plus remarquables sont : Athlète (Mouchelet). Blanche de Noisette (Noisette). Carolina (Manetti). Christina (Manetti). Comte de Flandres. Elisabeth. Fragrans maxima plena. Joséphine Imperatrix (His). La Ville de St-Denis (Mouchelet). Lactea. Lambertinæ (Makoy). Lilacina major plenissima. Louise Mouchelet (Mouchelet). Madame de Vatry (M. G.) Neumannii. Prince Troubetzkoi. Ranierii. Rinzii. Rubra adorata plenissima. Savii. Triomphe de Malines. Triomphe de Vandermaelen. Vandermaelii. Van Houttii.
Eugène VERDIER fils aîné.
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