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'Rossini' peony References
Book  (1928)  
Comments on and corrections to this list are invited. Information is particularly desired on the varieties believed to have been originated in Italy by Casaretto, Burdin, and others, for all attempts to learn something of these men have ended in failure.

Casaretto. Syn. Rossini. (Casaretto, 1842.) offered by Seneclauze 1846; Haage & Schmidt 1864; Paillet 1889; Krelage 1867; Van Houtte 1873; Montigny 1886; Dessert 1899, 1905. Exhib. Boston 1842.
Rossini. (1889.) offered by Paillet 1889. See Casaretto.
Magazine  (22 Jan 1887)  Page(s) 77.  
The Tree Pæony. 
...For the last twenty years or longer we have had to look to our French neighbours for new sorts of Tree Pæony, for since they have taken the work of hybridising and raising seedlings in hand they have supplied us with all the finest sorts.  Until now the list is long- too long, in fact, for names are given where very shadowy differences exist.
List of select Varieties.
Rossini, semi-double, bright rose
Magazine  (Jan 1879)  Page(s) 22.  
A l'exposition universelle de Paris en 1878
Les nombreux lots de Pivoines sous-frutescentes ou herbacées étalaient leurs larges corolles; les lots de MM. Levêque, d'Ivry; ceux de MM. Verdier, A. Roy, Delahaye et Thièbaut, de Paris, Simon et Crousse, de Nancy, Margottin et veuve Durand, de Bourg-la-Reine étaient très remarquables.
Nous citerons, parmi celles dites en arbres, les variétés suivantes:  Ville de Saint-Denis, Marie Rattier, Souvenir de Madame Knoor [sic], Elisabeth, Comte de Flandre, Louise Mouchelet, Madame de Vatry, Rinzi, Farezzi, Triomphe de Vandermaelen, Mariana, Rossini, Rubra odorata et Athlète.
Magazine  (26 Feb 1876)  Page(s) 197.  
The Best Tree Peonies.
The following list contains some of the very best varieties of tree Peonies or Moutans at present in cultivation; I obtained it from my friend M. Charles Verdier, of Paris, who makes Peonies his special study; among them, as will be seen, are few novelties, but M. Verdier states that the newer varieties are generally inferior to the older kinds:
Rosini [sic], a semi-double, brilliant rose-coloured variety
Magazine  (1863)  Page(s) 292.  
Arborea ou Moutan....Rossini (d'Italie); fleur petite, d'un rose vif satiné.
Magazine  (16 Jun 1858)  Page(s) 311.  
Exposition de la Société Impériale et Centrale de Paris....[May 12-27, 1858]
Les collections de pivoines étaient surtout dignes d'éveiller l'admiration du public. ...MM. Verdier père et fils avaient exposé de belles pivoines arborescentes et herbacées. Les plus remarquables étaient Rossini, Carnea plena, Rosa pallida plena, Anemoneflora aurea ligulata et Etoile de Pluton. Les deux dernières étaient très-intéressantes à cause de leurs étamines à moitié changées en pétales, qui donnaient aux fleurs un caractère tout particulier.
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