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'Mademoiselle Rousseau' peony References
Website/Catalog  (1936)  Page(s) 21.  
Paeonia sinensis Mad. Rousseau  ....1 piece RM 1.20
Website/Catalog  (1927)  Page(s) 24.  
Mademoiselle Rousseau (Calot 1886) 
American Peony Society Rating of 8.1 (33 votes)
Sulphur white splashed lilac white in center, and with a few carmine flecks.  Compact globular flower.  Early midseason.   Each $1.00
Book  (1917)  Page(s) 95.  
Mademoiselle Rousseau. Guard petals milk white. Centre petals sulphur white with faint tinge of pink. Centre petals have occasional splashes of red. Crousse, 1888. Semi-rose. White. Large. Midseason. Medium height. Strong and erect. Free bloomer. Garden and cutting.
Website/Catalog  (Aug 1910)  Page(s) 12.  
Variétés plus récentes...Mlle Rousseau (Cr.); blanc soufré, centre rose carné, odorante.

[no longer listed in the 1928 catalogue]
Website/Catalog  (1909)  Page(s) 6.  
The following are all new, and the descriptions are from the source from which I got the plants, as but few of them have bloomed with me.
Mlle. Rosseau, (Crousse) large, full, finely shaped flower, sulphur white, pinkish flesh colored center shaded salmon; extra ...$2.50
Magazine  (1892)  Page(s) 125.  
Pivoines herbacées; Nouveautés et Culture.
Parmi les nouveautés signalées dans les derniers temps il y a eu de véritables surprises au point de vue de la coloration.  En voici quelques-unes:
Mademoiselle Rousseau (Crousse, 1886).  Fleur grande, très pleine, pétales larges et serrés, blanc soufré, centre de la fleur rose carné, souvent teinté saumon.  Très belle forme.
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