'Golden Harvest' peony References
Website/Catalog (1936) Page(s) 21. Paeonia sinensis Golden Harvest ....1 piece RM 1.50
Magazine (1924) Golden Harvest—Midseason; blush guard; yellow cream and carmine markings; a good flower; not a tall grower .25 Each, 2.00 Per 10, 18.00 Per 100
Website/Catalog (1912) Page(s) 16. Choice List of Peonies Golden Harvest — Very striking variety, producing large tri-colored blooms, the guard petals being blush-pink, with a distinct blush-white color, and deepening to canary-yellow, a few of the center petals tipped and striped with light crimson. This Peony combines cream, gold, white, pink, salmon, peach and apricot, the total color effect of the flower creamy-pink; strong, delicate fragrance; a splendid bloomer; extra fine. 50 cents each.
Website/Catalog (1908) Page(s) 2. DOUBLE HERBACEOUS PEONIES SERIES B. 35 cents each Golden Harvest, (Rosenfeld) a tricolored variety of pink, white and yellow, early; highly approved of.
Website/Catalog (1908) Page(s) 24. Golden Harvest. (Rosenfield). Blush-pink guard petals with a distinct blush-white collar, golden-blush center, a few inner petals tipped and striped light crimson. A large delicately fragrant tricolor, total effect creamy-pink; medium early....Each .40, per 10 3.00
Book (1907) Page(s) 14. Golden Harvest is one of the very best all around sorts we have. Who ever knew it to fail ? Reports come from Wyoming, the Dakotas and Manitoba of her cheerful blooming under the most adverse conditions. A brave and beautiful child of the prairies, always at her best, "glorying in tribulation," often blooming the first year and keeping it up ever after. That modest flower was born in 1890, and now the whole land is filled with her renown. Brother Rosenlield found a gem and didn't know it, putting them on the market at first at five dollars a hundred, when five dollars a root would have been nearer the thing.
Book (1907) Page(s) 26. Here is my list of the best 24 varieties of peonies for cut flowers: Baroness Schroeder, Festiva Maxima, Golden Harvest, Madam de Verneville, Duke of Dorchester, Belle de Nancy, Mt. Blanc, Couronne d'Or, Pottsii Alba, Livingstone, M. Geissler, Madame Emil Lemoine, Floral Treasure, Richardson's Grandiflora, Richardson's Rubra Superba, La Tulipe, Marie Crousse, Modeste Guerin, Marie Lemoine, Mons. Dupont, Prince Imperial, Sunbeam, Louis Van Houtte, L'Esperence. C. S. Harrison.
Book (1907) Page(s) 39-40. Golden Harvest. Rosenfield. First bloomed in 1890. Put on the market in 1900. It lacks only a long, strong stem of being one of the very finest. Outer petals pink, inner golden; raised center, and in the midst when fully developed, a dainty Festiva Maxima in miniature, carmine dots and all. It is one of the very hardiest and blooms on the least provocation. Favorable reports come from Minnesota, the Dakotas and even Manitoba. Everywhere it is a favorite. When almost ready to bloom, a terrible frost nipped most kinds in the bud and killed some tender sorts. This covered itself with such a gorgeous mantle of bloom you could hardly seethe ground. It is very floriferous. Sure, annual bloomer. Multiplies rapidly and stands far ahead of most of the imported ones. Some claim this is Jennie d' Arc. They are entirely distinct, though bearing faint resemblance.
Book (1904) Page(s) 2. Double Herbaceous Paeonies. ...Series B. 50 cents each. Golden Harvest, white, yellow center.