'Canari' peony References
Website/Catalog (1936) Page(s) 21. Paeonia sinensis Canari ....1 piece RM 1.20
Website/Catalog (1926) Page(s) 79. Canari, blanc teinté de crème
Website/Catalog (1925) Page(s) 25. Canari.—Midseason. Primary petals white, flushed delicate pink, changing to pure white with deep primrose yellow center. Bomb type.
Website/Catalog (1915) Page(s) 20. Herbaceous Peonies Select Double Peonies Canary [sic]. — Guard petals pearly white, center primrose- all turning to pure white.
Website/Catalog (Aug 1910) Page(s) 13. Pivoines herbacées...Variétés nouvelles...Canari (Cr.); blanc soufré. ...2 fr. 50 [Crousse]
[no longer listed in the 1928 catalogue]
Website/Catalog (1909) Page(s) 3. Canari. Guard petals flesh white, yellow center; extra ....$ 1 25
Book (1907) Page(s) 47. 420. CANARI; P....(Guerin, 1861) (1) 1861. Dessert's MSS. (2) 1892, Gardener's Mag. p. 354. (3) 1906, Florists' Exchange, June 9. (4) Cornell Plots Nos. 253, 254, 255.
421. CANARY; P. (1) 1905. De Graaff Bros. Cat. p. 26.
Website/Catalog (1903) Page(s) 1. DOUBLE HERBACEOUS PAEONIES ....SERIES C $ 1.00 each. Canarie, white, primrose centre.