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Initial post today by HeelinRoses
A very healthy and reliable plant - nearly as tough as brambles, this rose has wonderful ordered prismatic symmetry to its large magenta red blooms and a warm, sort of redcurrant fragrance that can waft around the garden and that was my single plant in a plastic 30cm tub! A bed of three or more established in the ground would scent the garden excellently. In my opinion the smell is much better and more pronounced than the others in this series by Noack including the purple one called 'Laudatio', 'Purple Voluptia', or, in the UK 'Timeless Purple' which wasn't released until 8 years after breeding. 'Charisma'/'Crazy Pink Voluptia' was released earlier and only 2 years after it was bred - it's a superior rose.
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Initial post 6 AUG 12 by nbate
The advanced search option doesn't really work. I am searching for any purple rose with a strong citrus fragrance. The first rose that came up on the 39 page list had a strong clover fragrance. I have been having this problem a lot. Any suggestions?
Reply #1 of 5 posted 7 AUG 12 by RoseBlush
The ADVANCED SEARCH on HMF does not select fragrance for a rose by the fragrance notes that are often used in the descriptions, but only in the strength of the fragrance give by the breeder at the time of registration, or when they patent the rose.

To narrow your search, since you are a premium-member of HMF, you can add a few other plant characteristics. For example, you might want to add "class" to your search criteria. You could also add "introduced after, let's say, 1950 and that would narrow the search by setting a time period.

It takes a bit of practice to learn how to narrow a search, but once you get into it, I find it's kind of fun.

Reply #2 of 5 posted 7 AUG 12 by HMF Admin

Just a progress report. We've been able to replicate the issue you reported. It's always very helpful when someone provides a precise example. On the surface it appears the fragrance type (ie citrus) is being ignored. The Advanced Search is quite complex software so it may take a little time to sort out the problem, hopefully not. We'll let you know when we have it corrected.

HMF Support
Reply #3 of 5 posted 8 AUG 12 by monimoni
yesterday, u sent me a private message about Sweetness rose, i cannot respond because you have your peferences settings at not receiving private messages, so this is the only way i can contact you, if you want your questions answered you must change your settings and PM me back and i will be happy to answer.

Reply #4 of 5 posted yesterday by Mich, Fremont, CA
My favorite, Shocking Blue. Intense sweet citrus fragrance!
Reply #5 of 5 posted today by Michael Garhart
SB is very hard to find these days. The last business I ordered it from sent 'Deep Purple'. I considered getting SB from Roses Unlimited, but without a photo to show its the real one, I wasn't willing to shell out the bucks. Sadly, its just become one of those roses mislabeled with others.
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Initial post today by Jax
Brittie, Where did you get your William R. Smith from? Your photos on this site are gorgeous. I got a William R. Smith from ARE and it is Marie van Houtte I am sure. Sheila Burke
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Initial post today by Margaret Furness
Thanks for the detail Darrell. Would you look at the photos of our found rose "Loveday", please, as it looks like a good match. It's so easy to dismiss every pink rambler as the ubiquitous Dorothy P.
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