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'Henry Fonda' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 90-297
most recent 14 JAN 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 JAN 16 by Benaminh
Parentage per Weeks Roses:
Baron G Del’ain x Sunbright
Reply #1 of 4 posted 13 JAN 16 by Patricia Routley
Thanks Benaminh. Parentage added, although the seed parent of 'Baron Girod de l'Ain' is niggling at me. In the Patent for 'Henry Fonda' the seed patent was said to be a "seedling".
Reply #2 of 4 posted 13 JAN 16 by Benaminh
Doesn't make sense does it? But it might explain the weak stems and blackspot issues passed on from the Hybrid Perpetual seed parent. Besides, whatever's listed on patents is never set in stone, plenty of examples when patents in different countries for the same rose list conflicting parentage.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 14 JAN 16 by Michael Garhart
I believe the Sunbright part. It has the identical faults and architecture issues.

Sunbright is equally disease prone. Actually, it is a pretty horrible rose. Worse vigor, more prickles, and nasty black spot, compared to its parent, New Day. New Day has worse mildew and lighter color, however.

I do not believe Baron was a parent, however. It may have been a typo. I still see catalog typos to this day, and even incorrect pictures.

"The primary objective of this breeding was to produce a new rose variety having the excellent vigor and dark green foliage of the female seedling, combined with the bright yellow, broad petals and vigor of the male parent. "

This seems to partially contradict the catalog text. It implies that the seed parent does not have strong vigor, and that it may be a seedling and not a known variety. Or, the whole patent could just be really sloppy. Who knows!
Reply #4 of 4 posted 14 JAN 16 by Patricia Routley
Thanks to both of you. I've made a notation on 'Henry Fonda's page.
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