PhotoComments & Questions 
Russelliana  rose photo courtesy of member orsola
Discussion id : 81-724
most recent 18 NOV 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 17 NOV 14 by corina
Looking for details on russeliana rose.nI found the photos of member Orsola. They show a different rose . The flowers have discoloration on the outside petals, the colour is compact, the buds remain closed( with petals covering each other) different from the other photos, where buds are more pointed then make a small hole in the middle because of the shortness of the petals, the glans missing on the buds stems....etc. I think the photos of memeber Orsola are from a slightly different rose. I am no true specialist, mabe I am mistaking, sorry for the inconvenience.
Corina Simionescu
Reply #1 of 1 posted 18 NOV 14 by Patricia Routley
I am inclined to agree with you. The photos of 'Russelliana', taken in Germany, show smooth pedicels and foliage. Orsola's photos from Mottisfont seem more like the 'Russelliana' I know.
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