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'Madame Moser' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 18-138
most recent 20 OCT 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 APR 07 by Margaret Furness
The pics are of a rose that was imported to Australia in the 1980s, but I'm told it's incorrect. Looks very HP-ish. In my garden it is a mongrel - over a hot dry summer (with adequate watering), only one of its buds opened. Strong fragrance with some myrrh. I don't know what it is.
Reply #1 of 5 posted 19 OCT 08 by Jocelyn Janon
This is a HP by Alcide Vigneron, the son of Jacques Vigneron. So your pictures may be right after all.
Reply #2 of 5 posted 19 OCT 08 by Margaret Furness
That makes sense. In Australia, it was being sold as a Tea, which it clearly isn't. Not a climber in my garden, either. I'm not sure that I still have those photos - I may have thrown them out, along with the rose plant - can you transfer them to the Mme Moser file from the Q & A file?
Reply #3 of 5 posted 19 OCT 08 by Jocelyn Janon
May I suggest to upload your pictures on the plant's page? (otherwise they will be attributed to myself rather than you).
Reply #4 of 5 posted 20 OCT 08 by Margaret Furness
Fortunately Patricia R had kept a copy of the flower pic, so I've uploaded it.
Trevor Nottle lists it as a Bourbon in "Growing Old-fashioned Roses in Australia and New Zealand", 1983, p 56, with a description.
Reply #5 of 5 posted 20 OCT 08 by Jocelyn Janon
Thank you Margaret.
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