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Discussion id : 13-760
most recent 22 AUG 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 AUG 06 by Chris
Can I use white or red rock or would wood do better I also have  iris  in between  my roses and the weeds have taken some what over my garden.  I live in Texas and  we are in a drout season. I water only at night  but they get so dry with the 102 heat .HELP CHRIS
Reply #1 of 3 posted 21 AUG 06 by Wendy C

You could use white or red rock . There are problems with it around plants in high heat though. The white reflects the sun light up onto the plants giving them a double dose of sun. The rock holds heat, which in high temps isn't necessarily good either. Spider Mites love the extra heat and add insult to injury.

A thick (at least 3-4") layer of shredded bark is best for weed control. Shredded bark creates a mat as in compresses. In addition it helps hold water and keeps the roots of your roses cool, which they will greatly appreciate.

The Iris will not appreciate the bark mulch though. I mulch around the Iris. If Iris stay wet they rot, it isn't nice at all.  I put the mulch within 1/2 inch of the Iris and they don't seem to mind that. If it looks funny you might try sprinkling red sand on the Iris to pull it all together.

Best of Luck

Reply #2 of 3 posted 22 AUG 06 by Chris
Thank you this helps alot Im verry new at this. I got all of my roses and Iris from my mom befor she passed a way  she was the master at this any adivice would be GREAT
Reply #3 of 3 posted 22 AUG 06 by Wendy C

The roses and Iris coming from your Mom's garden does make them all the more special.

I wrote an article which was in the last Ezine here on Help Me Find which addresses rose care for the new rosarian, it might answer many of your questions. There is a wealth of information in the Ezine cache which would be worth going through.

I've got sandy soil so the Iris really like it here. Well drained soil is the key to happy Iris. They get fed with the roses at my house, just less than the roses. They really don't need to be fussed over.  I bought most of my Iris from Cooley Gardens. They have a page on Iris care on their web site which would probably address many of your questions.

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