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Discussion id : 108-629
most recent 19 FEB 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 FEB 18 by RosePassion77
I paid for premium membership but it does not show me as a premium member
Reply #1 of 1 posted 19 FEB 18 by HMF Admin
Sorry to learn you are having a problem accessing your premium features.

Issues like this are most always related to having multiple HMF member accounts and the payment being applied to an older account. We need to trace the payment to see which account it was applied to. We do not show a payment for your HMF email address. Can you please contact the support department with your payment date or the email address you use for PayPal.

Please do not post that information here as this is a public forum. We look forward to hearing from you and resolving this.

Lastly, thank you (!) for help support HelpMeFind
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