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Discussion id : 107-189
most recent 29 DEC 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 DEC 17 by mariuvit
"Vedette" gained lots of prizes for its perfume but you describe it as having "none or mild"
Reply #1 of 3 posted 28 DEC 17 by jedmar
We have corrected the fragrance to strong. However, we have no Information about prizes received by 'Vedette' or 'Eclat de Haute Bretagne'.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 29 DEC 17 by mariuvit
This is what you can find in Nirp catalogue:
2004 Orleans France: Medaglia d'oro della città d'Orleans e Premio del Profumo
2004 Saint Albans GB: "Edland Prize" for the perfume + Certificato di merito
2011 Genova Euroflora: medaglia d'argento Premio del Profumo
I actually do not remember anything about Vedette perfume since it's been sold out for a few years, but it's included in the Nirp-parfum rose group
Reply #3 of 3 posted 29 DEC 17 by jedmar
Thank you!
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