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Starting renovations on house in Jan. There are 5 huge KO roses planted by house that will have to be moved. These are around 5 years old and have never been pruned! How small can we cut them down to in order to move? Hubs wants to just dig up and I am trying to reach a compromise. THanks!
If they are the THORNY single-red/pink-knock-out, then prune them 1' x 1'. One person got stabbed badly while moving a Knock-out and came down with rose-thorn-infection (went to the doc). I killed 5 of my single-petal Knock-outs for their sharp thorns. But the double-bloom pink Knock-outs have much less thorns & more compact and don't need to be pruned drastically. I moved Knock-outs before (without pruning), and they always lose ALL THEIR LEAVES after moving, thus best to prune short for safety, plus that helps to pump out new leaves.
#2 of 6 posted
22 AUG 17 by
Thanks that helps. I wanted to prune down but didn't want to kill. When can I safely do this? We will be relocating them to a new home in the yard.
I moved at least a dozen roses in my life. Some tips: 1) best time is right before winter, second best is when done with blooming, and before rainy & cool weather. 2) Water it well the day before, but NOT right before moving (too messy & too wet) 3) Soil prep the new holes in advance: make soil fluffy with at least 2 cups of gypsum (calcium sulfate) if your soil is hard & heavy. But if your soil is soft & acidic then use 1 cup lime. Calcium is vital to grow new roots & new branches & new leaves. Also put 2 cups of Espoma Tone (Tomato Tone, Plant Tone, or Rose Tone) and mix well in the new soil. Put in few gallons of potting soil for moisture-retention. Water the new holes IN ADVANCE, to let soil sink down, before planting the bushes. Plant the bushes 2 inches higher, since the soil will sink even lower later. 4) Use garbage lid (face up) to move roses 5) Dig a circle around the root-ball (as wide as the outmost branches) 6) Pry the rootball up with a long shovel, KEEP THE ROOTBALL INTACT 7) The worst thing you can do is to dunk the rootball in a bucket of water, that will destroy the tiny roots. Roses will drop all leaves when moved, unless it's a tiny own-root. 8) Leave the rootball in the garbage lid, and push the lid to the new location, leave in shade & sprinkle some water if you can't plant right away. It takes at least 1 month for leaves to sprout, but sooner if your soil is fluffy & loamy, rather than rock-hard clay like mine which destroys roots when dug up.
Jjohnson - I believe you are living in a sub-tropical climate. My thoughts are: In your coolest month when the roses are not actively growing, prune the bushes fairly hard. Dig them up. Knock off most soil and plunge into a bucket of water to stop the roots drying at all. You might need to prune the roots to fit them into a temporary pot. Use fresh soil, but no fertiliser at this stage. Just treat them as if they were a bare-rooted rose received in the mail. Plant in the permanent position as soon as you can.
"...make soil fluffy with at least 2 cups of gypsum (calcium sulfate) if your soil is hard & heavy."
Just be aware that gypsum is only a good clay breaker if the soil is sodic. It won't have any beneficial effect in non-sodic clay. For example, the clay soil in my area is not sodic, so gypsum is useless around here.
We have been offered for removal the roses we planted at our farmhouse twenty years ago! Many of them have graft calluses 20 inches across and only single branches. I'm wondering if they will respond well to transplanting. If the answer is yes, should we cut the callus back as we will the root system.
#1 of 1 posted
26 FEB 11 by
I wouldn't cut the callus back, only the stems or branches and would save as much as I could from the roots! Give the roses a good start with clean (watered) roots, new soil, maybe mycorrhiza (rootgrow) and plenty of water the first years. Only the rotted manure, compost or other fertilization should NOT touch the roots! Just fertilize after covering the roots with soil as the ground is leveled. (and mix it with a handcultivator) Good luck!
Initial post
26 AUG 09 by
Can I transplant dormant roses that have had blackspot into a new location without transferring the blackspot too?
Initial post
8 MAY 09 by
where do i locate the bud union for planting roses in marshfield mass 02050? I have roses i have already planted 3-7 yrs ago and i have exposed the bud all these years. I have provided much mulch/leaf for winter care overmounding it on the plant after the 1st freeze and then i take 5 inches of previously newspaper and I build a vertical block of these around the roses and have not lost any. I just read i should relocate this to 2" below the soil. Is this true? Also, can I get suggestions for replanting a climber best time cut down b4 etc I planted climbing edens and one has now turned red. beautiful but wrong color and i would like to relocate also any suggestions for roses that can do well with a little shade Thanks