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Discussion id : 28-602
most recent 26 MAY 06 HIDE POSTS
Reply #1 of 0 posted 26 MAY 06 by William

This Message is for Judith Clough's following question posted 22 Sep 2005:

Can anyone tell me why my clematis only flower at the end of very long stems? I have tried cutting back, not cutting back, cutting back every other stem - nothing seems to work. I have just bought a new clematis from a hypermarket - flowers all the way up the stem, from top to bottom, and it's only a baby! Why?

Her post did not have a topic so I could not reply in the usual way, but here is my reply:


One possible explanation is that some plants WILL ONLY bloom at their highest point.  Try trailing the clematis so it grows sideways for a bit (even if you have to weave it back and forth like on an arbor where you have limited space).  This will (in some cases) produce more side shoots therefore producing more blooms (more high points).


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