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Discussion id : 146-311
most recent 30 JUN 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 JUN 23 by Orianne Courmes

I don’t know if it’s appropriate to post that here, but I have a rose in my garden which I hesitate in regards of it’s identification.
I really don’t know if it’s Tropicana, or Fragrant Cloud, or…

The scent is mild, I believe it’s Tropicana , but….

I show you the photos

Thank you for your reply

Regards Orianne Courmes
Reply #1 of 3 posted 29 JUN 23 by Lee H.
I know that cameras can deceive when it comes to colors, but I grow Tropicana, and your rose appears far too red to me to be that.

The foliage is also not that shiny. I don’t know what rose you have, but I’d be looking at Kordes cultivars, based on that.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 29 JUN 23 by Orianne Courmes
The colors are not easy to render with the camera, it’s a salmon- orange- pink which change with the day or the weather, I effectively thought of an Kordes hybrid, I post more accurate color photos ( desaturation…)

Ps: I forgot to precise that he grow until 1,50 meter (5’). Mild- moderate fragrance
Reply #3 of 3 posted 30 JUN 23 by Orianne Courmes
So… the most accurate I found is effectively an Kordes hybrid: Rainer maria Rilke
( Gitta Grummer
• KORsee
• Orange Vilmoria
• Rainer Maria Rilke
• Uwe Seeler ®)

Even if there is a imperceptible orange touch on some photos that don’t existe on my flower

If someone can confirm
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