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'R. blanda' rose References
Website/Catalog  (2018)  
Rosa blanda Aiton, Hort. Kew. 2: 202. 1789.
Meadow or smooth rose, rosier inerme
Rosa johannensis Fernald; R. rousseauiorum B. Boivin; R. subblanda Rydberg; R. williamsii Fernald

M. Mercure and A. Bruneau (2008) described and genetically confirmed spontaneous hybrids between Rosa blanda and R. rugosa forming colonies along the St. Lawrence Estuary, Quebec. Analyses indicated that most of the hybrids were first generation; second generation and backcrosses were also detected. This is a recently established hybrid zone with the potential for introgression of the aggressive R. rugosa into native R. blanda and thereby a serious threat to the integrity of the native species.
A. Bruneau et al. (2007) found that, within Rosa blanda, previously recognized segregate species (R. johannensis, R. rousseauiorum, R. subblanda, R. williamsii) should not be considered specifically distinct from R. blanda, although populations representing R. williamsii might be worthy of subspecific recognition

Website/Catalog  (2018)  
Rosa blanda and R. palustris differ by: branch armature (R. blanda unarmed or with sparse prickles or aciculi, R. palustris with stout, curved infrastipular prickles or unarmed); length of each auricle (R. blanda average 4.8 mm, R. palustris average 2.6 mm); petioles and rachises with pricklets (R. blanda rare, R. palustris common); leaflet serrations (R. blanda serrate, acute, teeth 10–26 per blade side, R. palustris serrulate, slightly blunt, teeth 20–30 per blade side); pedicels stipitate-glandular (R. blanda eglandular, R. palustris almost always); hypanthia stipitate-glandular (R. blanda eglandular, R. palustris almost always); inflorescences corymbs (R. blanda rare, R. palustris common).
Article (magazine)  (2009)  Page(s) 30.  
R. blanda Ait.   Source Loubert  Chromosome Number 28 [?]
Article (magazine)  (2007)  Page(s) 370, fig. 1.  
R. blanda typical ploidy 2x
Book  (2002)  Page(s) 84.  
R. blanda Not rated
Book  (2002)  
Rosa blanda. Smooth Rose.
Zones: (3) 4-7; sun, part sun
Soil: Moist to dry
Native to: Dry woods, prairies, dunes and outcrops; Quebec to Manitoba, south to Indiana, Missouri, New York, and Maine
Size: Height 2-6 feet, width 6-12 feet
Color: Light to dark rose pink; blooms in early to midsummer
This is another quickly spreading, colonizing rose, whose stems are a bit taller than those of R. virginiana. The plant forms dense, leafy, impenetrable thickets in favorable situations. Leaves have 5 to 7 blue-green leaflets. The flowers come over a fairly long period, opening darker and fading lighter pink, but on the plants I have grown they are a bit droopy and irregular-looking. The stems are mostly spineless, except down low, but a vast population on Mt. St. Pierre in Quebec confused even the experts with its thorns - it turned out to be the very local var. hispida. hips are red and 1/2 inch. wide.
Article (magazine)  (2001)  Page(s) 393.  
R. blanda Ait. Ploidy 2x
Pollen fertility 87.7%
Selfed fruit set 5.0%
Selfed Seed Set 20.0%
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 48.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa blanda/’Hudson’s Bay Rose’/’Labrador Rose’/Rosa fraxinifolia = arbuste d’ordinaire inerme… églantines roses, de 4 à 6cm de diamètre … fruits rouges globuleux ou parfois ovoïdes. Nord de l’Amérique du Nord, 1773.
Book  (Nov 1998)  Page(s) 11.  
R. blanda ('Hudson Bay Rose', 'Labrador Rose', 'Meadow Rose', 'Smooth Rose') Height: 5 ft. Flowers: pink. Hips: pear-shaped. Relatively thornless...
Book  (Mar 1995)  Page(s) 140.  
Rosa blanda grows wild across much of the northern United States and in many parts of Canada... it is very hardy and notable for the size of its flowers (3 inches is large for a species) and its lack of thorns...
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