'Bossa Nova™' rose Reviews & Comments
Available from - High Country Roses highcountryroses.com
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9 OCT 21 by
I'm an ver impressed with her performance, I have afternoon shade but morning sun in rich soil and she blooms ceaselessly from November to May, always in bloom.
I forgot to mention that The Faun is lacking in the fragrance department. It’s definitely not fragrant to my nose.
I grow The Faun in S CA on my hot dry slope, in full sun. I am delighted with this rose. It makes a pleasing ground cover and now, in it’s third year, is beginning to stand up a little more. It blooms in flushes, with about 4 weeks between them. The blooms look antique and hold their color surprisingly well. The color does last longer in cooler temps. Mine only receives about a once a week deep soaking, during our very dry 90F-100F summers. I have alkaline clay soil. A very low maintenance rose with beautiful blooms.