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'Rachel Bowes Lyon' rose Gardens
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—  A  —
California, United States C,L,V  A Hidden Sanctuary Archive

Rose (member) Garden.  1559 plants listed.  8 photos.

11 favorite votes.  

California, United States L,P  Annesylvania

Rose (member) Garden.  221 plants listed.  1 photo.  USDA zone 7a.

—  B  —
Texas, United States C,L,P,T,V  Baiocchi Family Rose Garden

Rose, peony and clematis (member) Garden.  79 plants listed.  3 photos.  USDA zone 9a.

24 favorite votes.  

Oklahoma, United States C,L,V  Bill Raimond's Rose Garden

Rose (member) Garden.  95 plants listed.  USDA zone 6b.

8 favorite votes.  

—  E  —
Washington, United States C,L,P,V  E. Harrison St. Roseraie

Rose, peony and clematis (member) Garden.  488 plants listed.  4 photos.  USDA zone 8b.

3 favorite votes.  

Oregon, United States L,P  Erica Hall's Garden

Rose (member) Garden.  176 plants listed.  2 photos.  USDA zone 8b.

—  F  —
United States C,L,V  FreedomGardens

Rose (member) Garden.  1054 plants listed.  8 photos.

4 favorite votes.  

—  G  —

Rose (public) Garden.  5619 plants listed.  19 photos.  USDA zone 9a.

24 favorite votes.  Average rating: GOOD+.  

—  J  —
California, United States L,V  Jim's Monterey Bay Area Garden

Rose (member) Garden.  198 plants listed.  USDA zone 9b.

8 favorite votes.  

California, United States C,L,P,V  John Bagnasco's Home Garden

Rose (member) Garden.  1553 plants listed.  2 photos.  USDA zone 10a.

31 favorite votes.  

—  K  —
California, United States L,V  Kerin Tyrrell's Wrightwood Garden

Rose (member) Garden.  198 plants listed.  8 photos.  USDA zone 8a.

10 favorite votes.  

—  L  —
California, United States L,P,V  Landperson's Garden

Rose Garden.  297 plants listed.  2 photos.

7 favorite votes.  

—  M  —
California, United States C,L,P,V  Ma'ayan's Eden

Rose (member) Garden.  205 plants listed.  175 photos.  USDA zone 10a.

16 favorite votes.  

Rose.  546 plants listed.  1 photo.

1 favorite vote.  

California, United States L,V  MLC

Rose (member) Garden.  45 plants listed.  USDA zone 11.

10 favorite votes.  

Texas, United States C,L,P,V  My Addiction Grows

Rose (member) Garden.  321 plants listed.  4 photos.  USDA zone 8a.

6 favorite votes.  

—  N  —
California, United States L,V  Noyo Garden

Rose (member) Garden.  203 plants listed.  8 photos.

3 favorite votes.  

—  R  —
California, United States C,L,P,R,T,V  Robert Neil Rippetoe

Rose (member) Garden.  823 plants listed.  7231 photos.  USDA zone 9b.

55 favorite votes.  Average rating: EXCELLENT.  

Lower Saxony, Germany L,P,R,T,V  Rosenpark Reinhausen

Rose (public) Garden.  1525 plants listed.  43 photos.  USDA zone 7a.

16 favorite votes.  Average rating: EXCELLENT.  

—  S  —
California, United States C,L,P,T,V  Samantha's Garden

Rose (member) Garden.  288 plants listed.  74 photos.  USDA zone 8a.

10 favorite votes.  

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