'Paul's Himalayan Musk Rambler' rose References
Book (Feb 2009) Page(s) 180. ‘Paul’s Himalayan Musk Rambler’: Hybride brunonii. Parents: Origines non connues. Obtenteur: Paul. Hauteur: de 6 à 10m. Le nom ainsi que l’allure de ce cultivar suggèrent qu’il provient d’un semis de Rosa brunonii, également appelé ‘Himalayan Musk Rose’. Description et conseils.
'Paul's Himalayan Musk Rambler': Hybrid brunonii. Parents: Origins not known. Breeder: Paul. Height: 6 to 10m. The name and the look of this cultivar suggest that it originates from a seedling of Rosa brunonii, also known as 'Himalayan Musk Rose'. Info and advice.
Book (2003) Page(s) 23. Includes photo(s). Paul's Himalayan Musk (W. Paul, 1916).
Website/Catalog (4 Jan 1999) Page(s) 33. Includes photo(s).
Website/Catalog (Jun 1998) Page(s) 54. Includes photo(s).
Book (1997) Page(s) 251. Paul's Himalayan Musk W. Paul (UK) Probably late 19th century. Description and cultivation... Flowers small, double, pinkish-lavender, produced in drooping clusters...
Book (1996) Page(s) 63. Paul's Himalayan Musk ('Paul's Himalayan Rambler') Rambler. Description... great clusters of double pale pink rosettes, 1.5 in (4 cm) across... Parentage: ?R. brunonii x a Moschata hybrid. ? G. Paul (England) 1916...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 436. Paul's Himalayan Musk Rambler Rambler, light pink. No breeder or date given. Description.
Book (1993) Page(s) 121. A rampant Climber. Its origin has been lost, probably the Rosa himalaica alba magna of Paul of Cheshunt. Raised by Paul in Britain, launched later 19th century. A Rosa brunonii seedling. Summer flowering. Height: 33 ft. Some scent.
Book (1986) Includes photo(s). p 137. Photo. 'Paul’s Himalayan Musk'. An extremely vigorously growing hybrid which has dainty sprays of pale lilac-pink sprays of pale lilac-pink flowers with a very sweet scent.
p158. Photo
Website/Catalog (1985) Page(s) 35. Paul’s Himalayan Musk. (Moschata) A very rampant climber of Himalayan proportions. Sea-green leaves sometimes limp as if short of moisture. Clusters of many small soft pink flowers. Fragrant. Probably late 19th Century. P N T. G. Shade tolerant. (S) 30 x 30’.