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'STRonin' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 115-308
most recent 9 NOV SHOW ALL
Initial post 10 FEB 19 by flodur
This rose is not bred by Rolf Sievers, but by Dr. Dzidra Alfredovna Rieksta, Lettland as 'Ritausma'. The rose was imported by Gustav Strobel in the 1960s on unclarified paths from the Botanical Garden Leningrad / St. Petersburg to Western Europe. Since licensing rights of products of the then USSR were unclear, it was given the name 'Kamchatka' at the reintroduction in 1988 by Ingwer Jensen, who received it via Rolf Sievers, with the remark 'introduced by Rolf Sievers / Ingwer Jensen'. In 1991, BKN Strobel and 2004 Meilland introduced them under the provisional name 'Polaris'. Through direct comparisons of the rose expert Suzanne Verrier, this rose could be given its correct name again. Rolf Sievers has confirmed this true identity and the story to me.
Reply #2 of 7 posted 11 FEB 19 by flodur
That is the problem with stolen roses! Sorry for my typing error, Strobel used the name 'Kamtschatka' (not 'Kamchatka'. And not to be confused with 'Kamchatka Rose' = 'Kamtchatica').
If you put it together with 'Ritausma', Rieksta 1963 = 'Polar Ice', 'Polareis', 'Polarisx', introduced in Germany 1988 as 'Kamtschatka' by Ingwer Jensen - that would be correct. Have a nice day!
Reply #3 of 7 posted 11 FEB 19 by Patricia Routley
Done. It all looks OK.
But I am now going to share a Note we have had in the file since 2006:
Ritausma vs Polareis. This must be 2 different roses. Here in Norway we are growing this roses. Ritausma been taller and have more slender canes. Polareis has less count of petals and have less pink flowers. The leaves on Ritausma have more slender form. The Polareis roses we have come from BKN Strobel, Germany and the Ritausma roses from Knud Pedersen, Denmark.
Best regards Roger Jaksland, Professional adviser for the Norwegian Rose Society
Reply #4 of 7 posted 12 FEB 19 by flodur
I talked to Rolf Sievers: The only explanation he has, Gustav Strobel received two variations of 'Ritausma' from Leningrad (One was introduced by Rieksta as 'Ritausma', the other came into trade by these special ways, never authorized by Rieksta). We cannot ask Strobel anymore. I passed the question to Erling Østergard, who has the world largest collection of Rugosas.
Reply #5 of 7 posted 13 FEB 19 by flodur
Erling Østergard, Denmark has Ritausma from Knud Pedersen, Polareis from Sangerhausen and Kamtschatka from a nursery in France. All three are the same rose, no differences at all. It could be that the Norwegian roses differ in the stock used - that may have influence on the budded rose.
Reply #6 of 7 posted 13 FEB 19 by Patricia Routley
Thank you for your trouble flodur. Appreciated.
Reply #7 of 7 posted 8 AUG by mballen
Speaking of origins, Google translate tells me that the word "Ritausma" means "Dawn" in Latvian, suggesting a Latvian connection. Whatever the origin, it is a glorious rose. I planted one in my cousin's garden in Springs, Long Island, where it has grown into a tree-like shrub and is the Diva of her spring garden.
Reply #8 of 7 posted 9 NOV by Kristiina
How old is this rose? I wonder if it takes a special kind of pruning to get rugosas to this tree-like shape?
Discussion id : 8-851
most recent 15 MAY 23 SHOW ALL
Initial post 31 MAY 05 by Unregistered Guest
This year I noticed a strong scent wafting from my 2-year-old bush - but it was still in bud, at least 10 days before the first one even opened! Tangy and fruity, the buds themselves actually emanate a very strong fragrance that would do lots of other roses proud - even without touching or rubbing the buds (like you might with a moss rose, for example). Quite unique, in my garden at least! The blossoms themselves have a different smell altogether, can't quite put my finger on it - kind of a soapy-clean scent...
Reply #1 of 3 posted 1 JUN 05 by The Old Rosarian
This is the beauty and uniqueness of Polareis. I wish the rose books would mentioned the strong scent of the buds as it gives the gardener an extra long time to enjoy this rose.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 18 MAY 12 by Tessie
I just smelled these fragrant buds for the first time myself. This is on a recently planted Polareis which arrived as a bareroot from Pickering this year in March. The strength of this fragrance is really remarkable, and it is indeed the buds only as no flower has yet opened. I am having trouble placing the fruit smell though. I've smelled it before, but I can't think of which fruit has this scent. Nothing common like orange, lemon, grapefruit, plum, or apricot. So rose experts, what is your opinion?

Reply #3 of 3 posted 15 MAY 23 by Les Racines du Vent
Not only the buds but the foliage itself is highly scented as with sweetbriars. Some sort of pine forest smell. Very conspicuous
Discussion id : 108-758
most recent 26 FEB 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 FEB 18 by prairie_northrose
Produces little or no pollen. Does not set hips. Hardy to the tips here in Zone 3, zero die back last year.

Last year was the second year I have had Polareis. The first year, flowers had very little fragrance, although the leaves and buds had a distinct "nutty" scent. In the second year, the flowers have definitely developed a light rose fragrance which can be noticed depending on the time of day.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 26 FEB 18 by Nastarana
Lovely rose and bush but I do wish the petals would fall. It is a thorny menace and needs to be deadheaded, especially since it grown well over my head.
Discussion id : 32-087
most recent 16 FEB 10 SHOW ALL
Initial post 4 DEC 08 by anonymous-216970
Available from - Galetta Nurseries
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Reply #1 of 1 posted 16 FEB 10 by Corine
My favorite rugosa rose!! Loaded with blooms the whole season--moderate fragrance, nice round shaped bush-delicate shades of white edged in soft pink. (Sorry, tried to post another view of Polar Ice,can't delete)
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