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'Angelsie' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 168-150
most recent 13 AUG HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 AUG by AquaEyes
These have been growing very well at the Rudolf van der Goot Rose garden. It's one of the roses I don't need to spray with fungicide, and it stays nearly perfect and with no defoliation all season. And once it starts blooming, it doesn't pause. It's a great rose for easy color, and its color isn't often seen in such healthy roses. Highly recommended for the Mid-Atlantic area in the United States.
Discussion id : 69-096
most recent 29 DEC 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 DEC 12 by leezen
I think the flower size at 4.75" may be overstated. The plants I've seen at the South Coast Botanical Gardens in Palos Verdes, Ca. have flowers of approximately 3"
Discussion id : 23-345
most recent 20 APR 09 SHOW ALL
Initial post 4 JAN 08 by m1sszada
i wish to purchase a lady elsie may rose, i am in the uk, is there anyway i can get one, whilst looking it seems they are only for sale in america.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 5 JAN 08 by Cass
One supplier ships to the UK, but international shipping is always a risk. There may be a minimum number of roses in an order and other limitations.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 20 APR 09 by Unregistered Guest
LADY ELSIE MAY is on sale at OSH for $9.99 as a small bush in a 1-gal container. It is blooming and has a rather 'flowing' growth pattern similar to BETTY PRIOR. I'm here in Silicon Valley, CALIF.
Discussion id : 19-078
most recent 19 JUL 07 SHOW ALL
Initial post 27 MAY 07 by bokie
I have hese Lady Elsie May roses and Jacnepal roses. I was wondering what king of light these needed. Also, I live in in Buffalo, NY and the ground will freeze, what do I need to do to protect them?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 19 JUL 07 by Unregistered Guest
I bought one of these roses (Lady Elsie Mae not May) at the beginning of last summer and never got around to planting it until the following spring - I live in Maryland and the poor rose sat in its thin plastic pot through snow and ice and freezing temperatures and it did just fine (would probably make a great container rose.) When I finally planted it, this rose just grew like crazy and has been blooming ever since. It gets a lot of sunlight (probably 8-10 hours a day.) My Lady Elsie Mae also seems very insect and disease resistant, even more so than my Knock Outs. I did see a lot of aphids on it in the spring but they didn't seem to do any visible damage.
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